
The Remote Sensing Laboratory, established in 1988, is part of the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The laboratory aims at two main goals: (1) advance scientific theories, methodologies, and applications in remote sensing, image processing, and geographic information system (GIS) management of the earth's resources; (2) generate a scientific environment leading to the development of scientific exchange beneficial to the various disciplines of the institute. Satellite, aerial imagery, and ground data are applied to environmental problems with special emphasis on arid and semi-arid regions. The main research is focused on the processing Earth observation data of drylands concerning desertification and climate change processes. In this regard, his study’s applications cover dryland ecosystems and agriculture, and to a lesser extent dust/aerosols and coastal water.


NameLab's Technicians: Alexander Goldberg, [email protected], Natalya Panov [email protected]


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