
Aquaculture had been the fastest growing agricultural sector, due to the increase in the demand for aquaculture products on one hand and the decrease in natural fisheries from the oceans and seas. Currently 50% of fish for food originate from aquaculture production, and this is expected to grow. Inland production is shifting from open ponds to intensive systems (production by RAS, recirculating aquaculture systems), to increase efficacy, conserve space and resources (such as water, energy, feed).
There are a range of sustainability challenges that the aquaculture industry faces in terms of fish feed composition, RAS discharges and the use of medication for diseases control. The Fish Health Research Group conducts research on topics related to these challenges, with emphasis on the fish health aspect. This includes development of natural treatment against diseases affecting fish to substitute the traditionally used chemicals and antibiotics; investigating the inclusion of ingredients in fish feed that are health-promoting and sustainable; minimizing system discharges and utilizing the waste from production as a resource.

Equipment (significant):
Large scale fish experimental systems
Histopathology processing equipment (Histoprocessor; Microtome; Working station)
Aquaria rooms


NameLab's Technician: Tamar Sina, [email protected]


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