The Physiological-Behavioral Lab

Equipment/facility: lab


    The behavioral-physiological lab includes computerized stations which enable running multi-participants behavioral studies. The lab also includes physiological measures, allowing researchers in the lab to study the psychological, emotional and cognitive processes of the participants in the study when making decisions and reacting to different stimuli. These measures include:
    1. Eye-tracking. By tracking the participant’s gaze while looking at the screen, researchers can imply which parts of a given stimuli better capture the participant’s attention, what information the participant is seeking and from which information she tries to avoid, how the participant is searching and acquiring information, and how she uses the information presented to her in shaping her behavioral responses.
    2. Heart rate and galvanic skin response measures. These measures of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for fight-or-flight responses, allow researchers to measure the intensity of the participant’s emotional arousal when observing different stimuli or when making different decisions.
    3. Facial expressions analysis. A system for recording and coding the participant’s facial expressions throughout the study, to study the types of emotions aroused in response to different stimuli and different decisions.
    4. Mouse-tracking. By recording the computer mouse trajectories, mouse-tracking enables the researchers to study the decisional process, and particularly the extent of the decisional conflict and the way the participant solved the conflict until reaching the final decisions.

    Significant equipment:
    Eye tracker, GSR sensors, ECG sensors


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