Student theses
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Professional Identity, Commitment and Professionalism among Social Workers in Community Health Care Services in Israel
Cinamon, T. (Author), Horev, T. (Supervisor) & Feder-Bubis, P. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
From Epidemiology to Health Policy: Case Analysis of the Coronavirus
Miron, O. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Developing an Adapted Model of Service Delivery by the Israeli Health System in Emergency Situations: The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Case Study
Elbo Arama, D. (Author), Cohen, O. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Evaluation of Overweight and Obesity Prediction Models in Early Childhood Using Machine Learning Methods and Formulating Recommendations for Improving Detection and Early Intervention
Lior- Sadaka, I. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor) & Grotto, I. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Biography of an Emerging Field: Personalized Medicine in Israel
Krausz, A. N. (Author), Filc, D. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Model for an Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center in the Health-Care System
Yalovski, O. (Author), Goldberg, A. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Prostitution in the LGBTQ Population in Israel: Needs Mapping and Building a Model of Service Addressing the Phenomenon
Goor Kol, Y. (Author), Rosenthal, A. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Professional Processes and Changes: Hearing Rehabilitation Audiologists as a Case Study of Health Professions
Bar- Moshe, R. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor) & Feder-Bubis, P. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
It Takes Two to Tango: The Effect of Empowering Leadership and Followers' Co-Production Beliefs on Team-Level Outcomes Through Shaping the Collective Regulatory Focus
Lavi, E. (Author), Lisak, A. (Supervisor) & Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Quality Measurement in Primary Healthcare in Shanghai: The Question of Knowledge Transfer and Exchange
Rasooly, A. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Physical Therapy, Profession, and Professionalism: the Case Study of Physical Therapy for Children with Motor Disability
Waiserberg, N. (Author), Horev, T. (Supervisor) & Feder-Bubis, P. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Comprehensive Diabetes Care, Prevention and Management: Policy Implications, Implementations and Challenges for the Palestinian Health Care System
Abu Al-Halaweh, A. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Development of a Model for the Establishment of a Local Emergency Response Team (LERT) to Respond to Rural Community's Needs During an Emergency
Peled, D. (Author), Horev, T. (Supervisor) & Feder-Bubis, P. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Deconstructing Policies Regarding Autistic Adults: a Participatory Research on Needs, Barriers and Inequalities.
Weksler Derri, D. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Influenza in Healthcare Workers: Vaccine Coverage, Burden of Disease and Burden Averted by Vaccination
Hirsch, A. (Author), Katz, M. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Pediatric Palliative Care in Oncology in Israel: Conceptualization, Definitions, and Understandings of Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation
Laronne, A. (Author), Granek, L. (Supervisor) & Feder-Bubis, P. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
High-Cost Off-Label Drug Use: A Mixed Methods Approach
Gordon, N. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Procedure-Related Group Based Payments in Israel: Evaluation of their Economic Incentives and Impact on Hospital Activities and Professionals' Decision Making
Waitzberg, R. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Case-Study Analysis of Communicable Disease Prevention Interventions among Healthcare Personnel in Israel
Gur-Arie, R. E. H. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor) & Rosenthal, A. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Impact of Regulatory Focus and Time Preference on the Dual-Process of Physical Activity Adoption among Healthcare Workers
Avraham, R. (Author), Simon Tuval, T. (Supervisor) & Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Identifying Early Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Negev Bedouin Population: Strategy for a Service Model Design
Kerub, O. (Author), Menashe, I. (Supervisor), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor) & Meiri, G. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"You Can't Always Get What You Want?" The Effect of Fit (Non-Fit) Between the Preferred Feedback and the Received Feedback on Motivation: Regulatory Focus as a Moderator
Shoshani, H. (Author), Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Emergency Room Medical Treatment of Immigrant Population in Israel: Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Wolfson Medical Center as Case Studies
Shachaf, S. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Brucellosis in the Negev:A Study Through the Prism of "One Health"
Hermesh, B. (Author), Rosenthal, A. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Vaccination Policy in Israel: Legal, Ethical and Political Aspects of Strategies for Increasing Compliance with Vaccination
Kamin-Friedman, S. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Improving Cardiovascular Disease Prediction
Barda, N. (Author), Bachmat, E. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Development of a Model for Admitting Pediatric Trauma Casualties in the Emergency Department
Tachlizky Madar, R. (Author), Goldberg, A. (Supervisor) & Adini Wiesel, B. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Organizational Ethics: The Relations between Leadership Style, Ethical Climate and the Perceived Morality of the Organization
Eialt, D. (Author), Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor) & Lurie, Y. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Ambulatory Healthcare Services Use During Health Scares in Israel: Two Case Studies Involving Israeli Mass Media
Sagy, I. M. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor) & Novack, V. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Between "Choice" and "Equality" in the Public Health System: What is the Proper Balance?
Niv-Yagoda, A. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor) & Bin-Nun, G. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Contextualizing "Health in All Policies": The People, Organizations and Networks that Drive and Delay Intersectoral Health Governance in Israel
Kranzler, Y. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Changes in the Nursing Professional Status in Israeli Community-based Chronic Disease Management: Identifying Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Successful Implementation
Brodsky, E. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor) & Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Development of an Integrative Model for Utilization of Social Media by First Responders in the Response to Emergencies
Simon, T. (Author), Goldberg, A. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Utilization of Second Medical Opinions among the Adult Population in Israel
Shmueli, L. (Author), Pliskin, J. (Supervisor) & Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Framework for the Planning and Development of Physical Therapy Human Resources in Israel
Shahar, G. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor) & Peled, R. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Effect of Regulatory Focus on Planned Resource Allocation to Competing Prevention and Promotion Goals
Schodl, M. M. (Author), Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Political Commitment to Health: Developing Indicators for Healthy Public Policy Within the Framework of Healthy City
Pollachek, D. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Modeling the Effect of Budget constrained Market Access to Therapy on the Health Outcomes of an Entire Intended Use Population
Arbel, R. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Paramedic Profession in Israel: Status, Professional Perception and Future Directions
Wacht, O. (Author), Davidovitch, N. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Development of the Social Work Services in Israel Health Care System in the Years 1975-2007 Before and After the Enactment of the National Compulsory Health Insurance Law-1994: A Social-History Research
Bareket, Y. (Author), Shvarts, S. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Updating the National List of Health Services in Israel: An Evaluation of a Risk-Sharing Approach
Hammerman, A. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Definition of Project Modularity Concept
Kedem-Yemini, S. (Author), Rabinowitz, G. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Formulating and Solving a Multi-Mode Resource-Collaborating and Constrained Scheduling Problem (MRCCSP)
Pinto, G. (Author), Rabinowitz, G. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Updating Process Analysis and Evaluation of Clinical Measurement Systems in the Israeli Primary Care Service
Raskin Segal, A. (Author), Rabinowitz, G. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Relationship between Hospital Department Head Leadership Style, Cooperation with Head Nurse, and Climate of Quality and Patient Safety in a General Hospital
Porat, N. (Author), Van-Dijk, D. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Impact of Rationalizing Drug Utilization on Health Outcomes
Triki, N. (Author), Greenberg, D. (Supervisor) & Shani, S. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Error Distribution in Proportion Measures: The Case of Israeli General Practice Quality Measures
Weitzman, R. M. (Author), Rabinowitz, G. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Bubbles in Semiconductor Fabrication Plants A Study of Work-in-Process Congestion
Hassoun, M. (Author), Rabinowitz, G. (Supervisor), 2010Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Relationship between Physicians and Pharmaceutical Companies in Israel during the Period of the National Health Insurance Law: Ethical, Legal and Organizational Aspects
Nissanholtz-Gannot, R. (Author), Shani, S. (Supervisor) & Shvarts, S. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Development of Health Service in the Kibbutz Movement
Man, M. (Author), Shvarts, S. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis