Student theses
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"Thats How It Was" - Reading Meir Shalevs Literature for Children
Rose, L. (Author), Shimony, B. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
All Roofs and Attics: The Homely Ex-Territory as a Literary Topus in the Stories of the Babylonian Talmud
Biran-Nisenholz, L. (Author), Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Performance-oriented Reading of Babylon Talmudic: Physical Gestures, Mise-en-scene, and Facial Expressions
Yifrach, A. (Author), Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Cause Aharon, cause Aharon, cause Aharon": Self-Performance in the Poetics of Aharon Shabtai
Ronen, I. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"The Shibboleth Branch": Another Branch of the State Generation's Literature On Prose Written by Poets Dahlia Ravikovitch, Nurit Zarchi and Tirtsa Atar
Gelbard-Aziza, M. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Community, Its Sages and Stories: The Judeo-Sepharadic Hagiography of Jerusalem at the Dawn of Modernity
Lifshiz, I. D. (Author), Lehnardt, P. S. (Supervisor) & Papo, E. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Between Depth and Touch: The Dynamics of Interpretive and Sensory-Interactive Depth in the Works of H.N. Bialik, Lea Goldberg, and Sami Berdugo
Livneh, Y. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
It Started with Two Parents? Representations of the Heteronormative and the Alternative Family in Hebrew Children's Literature from the 1970s to Present Day
Sason, O. (Author), Shimony, B. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"I See Letters, I do not See a Book": Intertextuality in 'Ad Hena' by Agnon- Close Reading
Nazar, I. (Author), Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Globalization and Contemporary Hebrew World Literature
Gardi, T. (Author), Stav, S. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"And I came to the Bride. Slowly I cross it." The Perception of Europe in Hebrew Literature 1890-1938
Mueller, J. (Author), Tsamir, H. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Role and Characteristics of the Narrator in Halakhic Discourse in the Babylonian Talmud
Rosenfeld, E. (Author), Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Modern Novel as an Ancient Manuscript: Hermeneutics and Poetics in Lea Goldberg's 'Avedot' and 'Vehu Ha'or'
Keren, Y. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Ease and Hardship in Hezy Leskly's Poetry
Porat, A. (Author), Weisman, A. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"A Scratch of His Quill Demands Study" or Midrashic Poetics in the Work of Mendele Mocher Sforim
Dayan, M. (Author), Weisman, A. (Supervisor) & Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Breaking the Pig": Thematics, Poetics and Ethics in Etgar Keret's Narrative Fiction
Rosner, R. (Author), Nevo, G. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Dipping the Pen in the Wound: Trauma and Post-Trauma in the Fiction of Yoram Kaniuk
Meller, I. (Author), Banbaji, A. (Supervisor) & Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
David Schutz: Monography
Setter, T. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Guess Who?": Todros Abulafia and the Elusive Portrait of a Poet in Thirteenth-Century Christian Spain
Shevarsman-Maziel, S. (Author), Ishay, H. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Israeli Literature in 2008
Ashkenazy, Y. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Ceremony and the Drama: Keys to Understanding the Sweet Lodge Ceremony in Israel
Rones-Raushbach, N. (Author), Harari, Y. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Red and Green Letters and Sparks of White Fire": Jewish Sources in the Prose of Yoseph Haim Brenner
Sharp, O. B. T. (Author), Banbaji, A. (Supervisor) & Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Yitzhak Aboab's and Israel Al-Nakawa's Menorat Ha-Maor: A Literary Evaluation of Two Anthologies of Rabbinic Aggadah from 14th-Century Castile
Lasri, R. N. (Author), Lehnardt, P. S. (Supervisor) & Papo, E. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Trends in The History of Hebrew Comics 1935-2000
Eshed, E. (Author), Nevo, G. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Space and Ethics in the Israeli Novel 2000-2010
Nadler, M.-T. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Eighty Years of Judeo-Spanish Press in Izmir: Trends and Directions
Wolfe, R. (Author), Alexander, T. (Supervisor) & Papo, E. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"The Setting of This Book is the World": Poetics and Ideology in Yoel Hoffman's Works
Kellner, T. (Author), Tsamir, H. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"The Painful Language of Muteness": The Language of Transition as the Communicative Alternative of Aharon Appelfeld's Heroes
Drihem-Leib, A. (Author), Yablonka, H. (Supervisor) & Ben-Mordechay, Y. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Shoshana Shababo the Author is Dead! There is Only Mrs. Krasanti!": Patriarchal and Female Voices in the Works of Shoshana Shababo
Isha, A. (Author), Shimony, B. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"I Want a River / No Small Temple": Theology Poetics in the Poetry of Pinchas Sadeh, Yona Wallach and Zelda Schneerson
Bick, T. (Author), Tsamir, H. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Beauty of Lost Pictures" Ekphrasis in: Infiltration by Yehoshua Kenaz, "Katzchen" by Yoel Hoffmann , and "The Drawer" by Youval Shimoni
Rapp, R. (Author), Tsamir, H. (Supervisor), 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"What is Yet to Come Already Slashes the Air": On the Prose of Shimon Adaf
Baroukh, R. J. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor) & Weisman, A. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
To Live and Write in a Linguistic Exile: Jewish Writers in the German-Speaking Sphere and their Linguistices (1900-1930)
Schory, D. S. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Between the Room and the World's Expanse, and between the Tiny Grain and the Vast Universe: About Youval Shimoni's Poetic
Adin-Azari, L. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"A Biting Bitch whose Entire Heart is Full of Rose": A Study of the Poetry of Hedva Harekhavi
Israeli, T. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Asher Barash Editting Literature: Practice, Position and Influence of a Literary Editor
Cohen-Wardi, A. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Melancholic Eros In the Work of Michah Yosef Berdichevsky
Ronel, Y. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Mixed Space: The Literary Representations of Haifa
Bar-Itzhak, C. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Eros, Desire and Culture in the Hebrew Poetry of the 1920s
Kurman, N. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor) & Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife - The Transformation of a Story: An Exploration of the Nature of the Narrative Tradition Surrounding the Biblical Story of Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
Perets, Y. (Author), Talshir, Z. (Supervisor) & Rosen, I. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Living People: Dialogical Aspects in Personal Narratives of Dying people
Ratzon, A. (Author), Pedaya, H. (Supervisor) & Rosen, I. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Time has Already Done its Part and Turned into Paper": The Archive Poetry of Gabriel Preil
Popliker, Y. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor) & Greenwald, R. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Architectural Poetics of the Oeuvre of Ronit Matalon: Between "Architectural Disturbance" and "Language Disturbance"
Ben-Atia, Y. (Author), Soker-Schwager, H. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Unique Voice of Greek Women Holocaust Survivors according to Their Personal Narratives and Stories
Levy, L. (Author), Alexander, T. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Narration Surfing: The Character of Nasreddin in Soviet and Post-Soviet Culture before and after the Internet Revolution
Abdulaev, N. (Author), Alexander, T. (Supervisor) & Papo, E. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
From the Abyss - A Comparative Study of the Holocaust Diaries of the Yiddish Authors : Itzhak Katzenelson, Yehoshua Perle and Leyb Rochman
Dover Daffan, M. (Author), Rosen, I. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Love Stories in Conflict Zones: Personal Oral Stories and Letters
Ron David, Z. (Author), Alexander, T. (Supervisor) & Shimony, B. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Judith Story in Jewish Tradition: Literary, Folkloristic and Gender Aspects
Cohen, N. L. (Author), Alexander, T. (Supervisor) & Weiss, H. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Against Dominion: Space and Gaze in Yehoshua Kenaz's and Yeshayahu Koren's Prose
Strass, C. (Author), Shvartz, I. (Supervisor) & Banbaji, A. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
"Light of a Parting Soul"-the Poetics of Melancholy: An Inter-Genre Reading of Ya'acov Steinberg's Hebrew Oeuvre
Latowicki, T. (Author), Weisman, A. (Supervisor) & Shvartz, I. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis