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  • 2025

    Notes on integrating out M2 branes

    Hattab, J. & Palti, E., 1 Jan 2025, In: European Physical Journal C. 85, 1, 107.

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  • White paper and roadmap for quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger era

    Alves Batista, R., Amelino-Camelia, G., Boncioli, D., Carmona, J. M., di Matteo, A., Gubitosi, G., Lobo, I., Mavromatos, N. E., Pfeifer, C., Rubiera-Garcia, D., Saridakis, E. N., Terzić, T., Vagenas, E. C., Vargas Moniz, P., Abdalla, H., Adamo, M., Addazi, A., Anagnostopoulos, F. K., Antonelli, V. & Asorey, M. & 84 others, Ballesteros, A., Basilakos, S., Benisty, D., Boettcher, M., Bolmont, J., Bonilla, A., Bosso, P., Bouhmadi-López, M., Burderi, L., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Caroff, S., Cerci, S., Cortes, J. L., D’Esposito, V., Das, S., de Cesare, M., Demirci, M., Di Lodovico, F., Di Salvo, T., Diego, J. M., Djordjevic, G. S., Domi, A., Ducobu, L., Escamilla-Rivera, C., Fabiano, G., Fernández-Silvestre, D., Franchino-Viñas, S. A., Frassino, A. M., Frattulillo, D., Gaug, M., Gergely, L., Guendelman, E. I., Guetta, D., Gutierrez-Sagredo, I., He, P., Heefer, S., Jurić, T., Katori, T., Kowalski-Glikman, J., Lambiase, G., Levi Said, J., Li, C., Li, H., Luciano, G. G., Ma, B. Q., Marciano, A., Martinez, M., Mazumdar, A., Menezes, G., Mercati, F., Minic, D., Miramonti, L., Mitsou, V. A., Mustamin, M. F., Navas, S., Olmo, G. J., Oriti, D., Övgün, A., Pantig, R. C., Parvizi, A., Pasechnik, R., Pasic, V., Petruzziello, L., Platania, A., Rasouli, S. M. M., Rastgoo, S., Relancio, J. J., Rescic, F., Reyes, M. A., Rosati, G., Sakallı, Salamida, F., Sanna, A., Staicova, D., Strišković, J., Sunar Cerci, D., Torri, M. D. C., Vigliano, A., Wagner, F., Wallet, J. C., Wojnar, A., Zarikas, V., Zhu, J. & Zornoza, J. D., 7 Feb 2025, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 42, 3, 032001.

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  • 2024

    Aspects of non-relativistic quantum field theories

    Baiguera, S., 1 Mar 2024, In: European Physical Journal C. 84, 3, 268.

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    11 Scopus citations
  • Bulk MgB2 Superconducting Materials: Technology, Properties, and Applications

    Prikhna, T., Sokolovsky, V. & Moshchil, V., 1 Jun 2024, In: Materials. 17, 11, 2787.

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  • Exact approaches on the string worldsheet

    Demulder, S., Driezen, S., Knighton, B., Oling, G., Retore, A. L., Seibold, F. K., Sfondrini, A. & Yan, Z., 8 Nov 2024, In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 57, 42, 423001.

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    1 Scopus citations
  • What Can a GNOME Do? Search Targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics Searches

    Afach, S., Aybas Tumturk, D., Bekker, H., Buchler, B. C., Budker, D., Cervantes, K., Derevianko, A., Eby, J., Figueroa, N. L., Folman, R., Gavilán-Martín, D., Givon, M., Grujić, Z. D., Guo, H., Hamilton, P., Hedges, M. P., Jackson Kimball, D. F., Khamis, S., Kim, D. & Klinger, E. & 33 others, Kryemadhi, A., Liu, X., Łukasiewicz, G., Masia-Roig, H., Padniuk, M., Palm, C. A., Park, S. Y., Pearson, H. R., Peng, X., Pospelov, M., Pustelny, S., Rosenzweig, Y., Ruimi, O. M., Scholtes, T., Segura, P. C., Semertzidis, Y. K., Shin, Y. C., Smiga, J. A., Stadnik, Y. V., Stalnaker, J. E., Sulai, I. A., Tandon, D., Vu, K., Weis, A., Wickenbrock, A., Wilson, T. Z., Wu, T., Xiao, W., Yang, Y., Yu, D., Yu, F., Zhang, J. & Zhao, Y., 1 Jan 2024, In: Annalen der Physik. 536, 1, 2300083.

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    3 Scopus citations
  • 2023

    Design and simulated performance of calorimetry systems for the ECCE detector at the electron ion collider

    Bock, F., Schmidt, N., Wang, P. K., Santiesteban, N., Horn, T., Huang, J., Lajoie, J., Munoz Camacho, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R. & Benmokhtar, F. & 259 others, Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168464.

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    6 Scopus citations
  • Detector requirements and simulation results for the EIC exclusive, diffractive and tagging physics program using the ECCE detector concept

    Bylinkin, A., Dean, C. T., Fegan, S., Gangadharan, D., Gates, K., Kay, S. J. D., Korover, I., Li, W. B., Li, X., Montgomery, R., Nguyen, D., Penman, G., Pybus, J. R., Santiesteban, N., Shimizu, S., Trotta, R., Usman, A., Baker, M. D., Frantz, J. & Glazier, D. I. & 259 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Reed, R., Roche, J., Schmidt, A., Steinberg, P., Stevens, J., Goto, Y., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Papandreou, Z., Zha, W., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Finger, M., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gardner, S., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glimos, E., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Stepanov, P., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Jul 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1052, 168238.

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    6 Scopus citations
  • Diffractive and Photon-Induced Production of Top Quark

    Pitt, M., 1 Nov 2023, In: Universe. 9, 11, 483.

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    1 Scopus citations
  • ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements

    Seidl, R., Vladimirov, A., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 260 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., da Costa, H. P., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Hulse, C. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168458.

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    Open Access
  • Evaluation of longitudinal double-spin asymmetry measurements in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from the proton for the ECCE detector design

    Van Hulse, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E. & Brindza, P. & 258 others, Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., C.Cuevas, Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Costa, H. P. D., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., Hecke, H. W. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Nov 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1056, 168563.

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    1 Scopus citations
  • Search for e→τ charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC with the ECCE detector

    Zhang, J. L., Mantry, S., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 259 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Aug 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1053, 168276.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Primordial black hole dark matter

    Bird, S., Albert, A., Dawson, W., Ali-Haïmoud, Y., Coogan, A., Drlica-Wagner, A., Feng, Q., Inman, D., Inomata, K., Kovetz, E., Kusenko, A., Lehmann, B. V., Muñoz, J. B., Singh, R., Takhistov, V. & Tsai, Y. D., 1 Aug 2023, In: Physics of the Dark Universe. 41, 101231.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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    20 Scopus citations
  • 2022

    Line-intensity mapping: theory review with a focus on star-formation lines

    Bernal, J. L. & Kovetz, E. D., 1 Dec 2022, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 30, 1, 5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    53 Scopus citations
  • Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review

    Addazi, A., Alvarez-Muniz, J., Alves Batista, R., Amelino-Camelia, G., Antonelli, V., Arzano, M., Asorey, M., Atteia, J. L., Bahamonde, S., Bajardi, F., Ballesteros, A., Baret, B., Barreiros, D. M., Basilakos, S., Benisty, D., Birnholtz, O., Blanco-Pillado, J. J., Blas, D., Bolmont, J. & Boncioli, D. & 142 others, Bosso, P., Calcagni, G., Capozziello, S., Carmona, J. M., Cerci, S., Chernyakova, M., Clesse, S., Coelho, J. A. B., Colak, S. M., Cortes, J. L., Das, S., D'Esposito, V., Demirci, M., Di Luca, M. G., di Matteo, A., Dimitrijevic, D., Djordjevic, G., Prester, D. D., Eichhorn, A., Ellis, J., Escamilla-Rivera, C., Fabiano, G., Franchino-Viñas, S. A., Frassino, A. M., Frattulillo, D., Funk, S., Fuster, A., Gamboa, J., Gent, A., Gergely, L., Giammarchi, M., Giesel, K., Glicenstein, J. F., Gracia-Bondía, J., Gracia-Ruiz, R., Gubitosi, G., Guendelman, E. I., Gutierrez-Sagredo, I., Haegel, L., Heefer, S., Held, A., Herranz, F. J., Hinderer, T., Illana, J. I., Ioannisian, A., Jetzer, P., Joaquim, F. R., Kampert, K. H., Uysal, A. K., Katori, T., Kazarian, N., Kerszberg, D., Kowalski-Glikman, J., Kuroyanagi, S., Lämmerzahl, C., Said, J. L., Liberati, S., Lim, E., Lobo, I. P., López-Moya, M., Luciano, G. G., Manganaro, M., Marcianò, A., Martín-Moruno, P., Martinez, M., Martinez, M., Martínez-Huerta, H., Martínez-Miravé, P., Masip, M., Mattingly, D., Mavromatos, N., Mazumdar, A., Méndez, F., Mercati, F., Micanovic, S., Mielczarek, J., Miller, A. L., Milosevic, M., Minic, D., Miramonti, L., Mitsou, V. A., Moniz, P., Mukherjee, S., Nardini, G., Navas, S., Niechciol, M., Nielsen, A. B., Obers, N. A., Oikonomou, F., Oriti, D., Paganini, C. F., Palomares-Ruiz, S., Pasechnik, R., Pasic, V., Pérez de los Heros, C., Pfeifer, C., Pieroni, M., Piran, T., Platania, A., Rastgoo, S., Relancio, J. J., Reyes, M. A., Ricciardone, A., Risse, M., Frias, M. D. R., Rosati, G., Rubiera-Garcia, D., Sahlmann, H., Sakellariadou, M., Salamida, F., Saridakis, E. N., Satunin, P., Schiffer, M., Schüssler, F., Sigl, G., Sitarek, J., Peracaula, J. S., Sopuerta, C. F., Sotiriou, T. P., Spurio, M., Staicova, D., Stergioulas, N., Stoica, S., Strišković, J., Stuttard, T., Cerci, D. S., Tavakoli, Y., Ternes, C. A., Terzić, T., Thiemann, T., Tinyakov, P., Torri, M. D. C., Tórtola, M., Trimarelli, C., Trześniewski, T., Tureanu, A., Urban, F. R., Vagenas, E. C., Vernieri, D., Vitagliano, V., Wallet, J. C. & Zornoza, J. D., 1 Jul 2022, In: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 125, 103948.

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    275 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    A compact and cost-effective laser desorption source for molecular beam generation: Comparison with simulations

    Shachar, A., Kallos, I., De Vries, M. S. & Bar, I., 8 Sep 2021, In: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 54, 17, 175401.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Emission mechanisms of fast radio bursts

    Lyubarsky, Y., 1 Jan 2021, In: Universe. 7, 3, 56.

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    69 Scopus citations
  • Non-canonical volume-form formulation of modified gravity theories and cosmology

    Bensity, D., Guendelman, E. I., Kaganovich, A., Nissimov, E. & Pacheva, S., 1 Jan 2021, In: European Physical Journal Plus. 136, 1, 46.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    10 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    Stellar Properties of z ⪆ 8 Galaxies in the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey

    Strait, V., Bradač, M., Coe, D., Bradley, L., Salmon, B., Lemaux, B. C., Huang, K. H., Zitrin, A., Sharon, K., Acebron, A., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R. J., Frye, B. L., Hoag, A., Mahler, G., Nonino, M., Ogaz, S., Oguri, M., Ouchi, M. & Paterno-Mahler, R. & 1 others, Pelliccia, D., 10 Jan 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 888, 2, 124.

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    38 Scopus citations
  • The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey: V. ALMA Stacking of Lyman-Break Galaxies in Abell 2744, Abell 370, Abell S1063, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223

    Carvajal, R., Bauer, F. E., Bouwens, R. J., Oesch, P. A., González-López, J., Anguita, T., Aravena, M., Demarco, R., Guaita, L., Infante, L., Kim, S., Kneissl, R., Koekemoer, A. M., Messias, H., Treister, E., Villard, E., Zitrin, A. & Troncoso, P., 1 Jan 2020, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 633, A160.

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    10 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: A roadmap

    LIGO-Virgo collaboration, 19 Jun 2019, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 36, 14, 143001.

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    638 Scopus citations
  • Color Centers in Diamond as Novel Probes of Superconductivity

    Acosta, V. M., Bouchard, L. S., Budker, D., Folman, R., Lenz, T., Maletinsky, P., Rohner, D., Schlussel, Y. & Thiel, L., 1 Jan 2019, In: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 32, 1, p. 85-95 11 p.

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    23 Scopus citations
  • The saga of the thermoluminescence (TL) mechanisms and dosimetric characteristics of LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100)

    Horowitz, Y. S., Oster, L. & Eliyahu, I., 1 Oct 2019, In: Journal of Luminescence. 214, 116527.

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    31 Scopus citations
  • 2018
    1 Scopus citations
  • Review of dose-rate effects in the thermoluminescence of Lif: Mg,Ti (HARSHAW)

    Horowitz, Y., Oster, L. & Eliyahu, I., 1 Apr 2018, In: Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 179, 2, p. 184-188 5 p.

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    20 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Does the eclipse limit bacterial nucleoid complexity and cell width?

    Zaritsky, A., Rabinovitch, A., Liu, C. & Woldringh, C. L., 1 Dec 2017, In: Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology. 2, 4, p. 267-275 9 p.

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    7 Scopus citations
  • The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey: II. Multiwavelength Photometric analysis of 1.1 mm continuum sources in Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223

    Laporte, N., Bauer, F. E., Troncoso-Iribarren, P., Huang, X., González-López, J., Kim, S., Anguita, T., Aravena, M., Barrientos, L. F., Bouwens, R., Bradley, L., Brammer, G., Carrasco, M., Carvajal, R., Coe, D., Demarco, R., Ellis, R. S., Ford, H., Francke, H. & Ibar, E. & 15 others, Infante, L., Kneissl, R., Koekemoer, A. M., Messias, H., Muñoz Arancibia, A., Nagar, N., Padilla, N., Pelló, R., Postman, M., Quénard, D., Romero-Cañizales, C., Treister, E., Villard, E., Zheng, W. & Zitrin, A., 1 Aug 2017, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 604, A132.

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    24 Scopus citations
  • Unified DE-DM with diffusive interactions scenario from scalar fields

    Benisty, D. & Guendelman, E. I., 1 Oct 2017, In: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 26, 12, 1743021.

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    12 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    Gravitational waves in bouncing cosmologies from gauge field production

    Ben-Dayan, I., 1 Jan 2016, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2016, 9, 017.

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    25 Scopus citations
  • Gravity-assisted emergent Higgs mechanism in the post-inflationary epoch

    Guendelman, E., Nissimov, E. & Pacheva, S., 1 Oct 2016, In: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 25, 12, 1644008.

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    22 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    Collisionless relaxation of non-gyrotropic downstream ion distributions: Dependence on shock parameters

    Gedalin, M., 1 Dec 2015, In: Journal of Plasma Physics. 81, 6, 905810603.

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    25 Scopus citations
  • Pulsar-Wind Nebulae: Recent Progress in Observations and Theory

    Kargaltsev, O., Cerutti, B., Lyubarsky, Y. & Striani, E., 1 Oct 2015, In: Space Science Reviews. 191, 1-4, p. 391-439 49 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    71 Scopus citations
  • Relativistic Shocks: Particle Acceleration and Magnetization

    Sironi, L., Keshet, U. & Lemoine, M., 1 Oct 2015, In: Space Science Reviews. 191, 1-4, p. 519-544 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    169 Scopus citations
  • 2014
    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    Angular and long range rapidity correlations in particle production at high energy

    Kovner, A. & Lublinsky, M., 1 Jan 2013, In: International Journal of Modern Physics E. 22, 1, 1330001.

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    96 Scopus citations
  • Connecting the nonsingular origin of the universe, the vacuum structure and the cosmological constant problem

    Guendelman, E. I. & Labraña, P., 1 Jul 2013, In: International Journal of Modern Physics D. 22, 9, 1330018.

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    29 Scopus citations
  • Electroweak measurements in electron-positron collisions at W-boson-pair energies at LEP

    Schael, S., Barate, R., Brunelière, R., Buskulic, D., De Bonis, I., Decamp, D., Ghez, P., Goy, C., Jézéquel, S., Lees, J. P., Lucotte, A., Martin, F., Merle, E., Minard, M. N., Nief, J. Y., Odier, P., Pietrzyk, B., Trocmé, B., Bravo, S. & Casado, M. P. & 1,606 others, Chmeissani, M., Comas, P., Crespo, J. M., Fernandez, E., Fernandez-Bosman, M., Garrido, L., Grauges, E., Juste, A., Martinez, M., Merino, G., Miquel, R., Mir, L. M., Orteu, S., Pacheco, A., Park, I. C., Perlas, J., Riu, I., Ruiz, H., Sanchez, F., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., De Filippis, N., de Palma, M., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Nuzzo, S., Ranieri, A., Raso, G., Ruggieri, F., Selvaggi, G., Silvestris, L., Tempesta, P., Tricomi, A., Zito, G., Huang, X., Lin, J., Ouyang, Q., Wang, T., Xie, Y., Xu, R., Xue, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, W., Abbaneo, D., Bazarko, A., Becker, U., Boix, G., Bird, F., Blucher, E., Bonvicini, B., Bright-Thomas, P., Barklow, T., Buchmüller, O., Cattaneo, M., Cerutti, F., Ciulli, V., Clerbaux, B., Drevermann, H., Forty, R. W., Frank, M., Greening, T. C., Hagelberg, R., Halley, A. W., Gianotti, F., Girone, M., Hansen, J. B., Harvey, J., Jacobsen, R., Hutchcroft, D. E., Janot, P., Jost, B., Knobloch, J., Kado, M., Lehraus, I., Lazeyras, P., Maley, P., Mato, P., May, J., Moutoussi, A., Pepe-Altarelli, M., Ranjard, F., Rolandi, L., Schlatter, D., Schmitt, B., Schneider, O., Tejessy, W., Teubert, F., Tomalin, I. R., Tournefier, E., Veenhof, R., Valassi, A., Wiedenmann, W., Wright, A. E., Ajaltouni, Z., Badaud, F., Chazelle, G., Deschamps, O., Dessagne, S., Falvard, A., Ferdi, C., Fayolle, D., Gay, P., Guicheney, C., Henrard, P., Jousset, J., Michel, B., Monteil, S., Montret, J. C., Pallin, D., Pascolo, J. M., Perret, P., Podlyski, F., Bertelsen, H., Fernley, T., Hansen, J. D., Hansen, J. R., Hansen, P. H., Kraan, A. C., Lindahl, A., Mollerud, R., Nilsson, B. S., Rensch, B., Waananen, A., Daskalakis, G., Kyriakis, A., Markou, C., Simopoulou, E., Siotis, I., Vayaki, A., Zachariadou, K., Blondel, A., Bonneaud, G., Brient, J. C., Machefert, F., Rougé, A., Rumpf, M., Swynghedauw, M., Tanaka, R., Verderi, M., Videau, H., Focardi, E., Parrini, G., Corden, M., Georgiopoulos, C., Antonelli, A., Antonelli, M., Bencivenni, G., Bologna, G., Bossi, F., Campana, P., Capon, G., Chiarella, V., Felici, G., Laurelli, P., Mannocchi, G., Murtas, G. P., Passalacqua, L., Picchi, P., Colrain, P., ten Have, I., Hughes, I. S., Kennedy, J., Knowles, I. G., Lynch, J. G., Morton, W. T., Negus, P., O'Shea, V., Raine, C., Reeves, P., Scarr, J. M., Smith, K., Thompson, A. S., Turnbull, R. M., Wasserbaech, S., Cavanaugh, R., Dhamotharan, S., Geweniger, C., Hanke, P., Hansper, G., Hepp, V., Kluge, E. E., Putzer, A., Sommer, J., Stenzel, H., Tittel, K., Werner, W., Wunsch, M., Beuselinck, R., Binnie, D. M., Cameron, W., Davies, G., Dornan, P. J., Goodsir, S., Marinelli, N., Martin, E. B., Nash, J., Nowell, J., Rutherford, S. A., Sedgbeer, J. K., Thompson, J. C., White, R., Williams, M. D., Ghete, V. M., Girtler, P., Kneringer, E., Kuhn, D., Rudolph, G., Bouhova-Thacker, E., Bowdery, C. K., Buck, P. G., Clarke, D. P., Ellis, G., Finch, A. J., Foster, F., Hughes, G., Jones, R. W. L., Keemer, N. R., Pearson, M. R., Robertson, N. A., Sloan, T., Smizanska, M., Snow, S. W., Williams, M. I., van der Aa, O., Delaere, C., Leibenguth, G., Lemaitre, V., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Blumenschein, U., van Gemmeren, P., Giehl, I., Hölldorfer, F., Jakobs, K., Kasemann, M., Kayser, F., Kleinknecht, K., Müller, A. S., Quast, G., Renk, B., Rohne, E., Sander, H. G., Schmeling, S., Wachsmuth, H., Wanke, R., Zeitnitz, C., Ziegler, T., Aubert, J. J., Benchouk, C., Bonissent, A., Carr, J., Coyle, P., Curtil, C., Ealet, A., Etienne, F., Fouchez, D., Motsch, F., Payre, P., Rousseau, D., Tilquin, A., Talby, M., Thulasidas, M., Aleppo, M., Ragusa, F., Büscher, V., David, A., Dietl, H., Ganis, G., Hüttmann, K., Lütjens, G., Mannert, C., Männer, W., Moser, H. G., Settles, R., Seywerd, H., Villegas, M., Wolf, G., Azzurri, P., Boucrot, J., Callot, O., Chen, S., Cordier, A., Davier, M., Duflot, L., Grivaz, J. F., Heusse, P., Jacholkowska, A., Le Diberder, F., Lefrançois, J., Mutz, A. M., Schune, M. H., Serin, L., Veillet, J. J., Videau, I., Zerwas, D., Bagliesi, G., Bettarini, S., Boccali, T., Bozzi, C., Calderini, G., Dell'Orso, R., Fantechi, R., Ferrante, I., Fidecaro, F., Foà, L., Giammanco, A., Giassi, A., Gregorio, A., Ligabue, F., Lusiani, A., Marrocchesi, P. S., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzo, G., Sanguinetti, G., Sciabà, A., Sguazzoni, G., Spagnolo, P., Steinberger, J., Tenchini, R., Vannini, C., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Awunor, O., Blair, G. A., Cowan, G., Garcia-Bellido, A., Green, M. G., Medcalf, T., Misiejuk, A., Strong, J. A., Teixeira-Dias, P., Botterill, D. R., Clifft, R. W., Edgecock, T. R., Edwards, M., Haywood, S. J., Norton, P. R., Ward, J. J., Bloch-Devaux, B., Boumediene, D., Colas, P., Emery, S., Fabbro, B., Kozanecki, W., Lançon, E., Lemaire, M. C., Locci, E., Perez, P., Rander, J., Renardy, J. F., Roussarie, A., Schuller, J. P., Schwindling, J., Tuchming, B., Vallage, B., Black, S. N., Dann, J. H., Kim, H. Y., Konstantinidis, N., Litke, A. M., McNeil, M. A., Taylor, G., Booth, C. N., Cartwright, S., Combley, F., Hodgson, P. N., Lehto, M., Thompson, L. F., Affholderbach, K., Barberio, E., Böhrer, A., Brandt, S., Burkhardt, H., Feigl, E., Grupen, C., Hess, J., Lutters, G., Meinhard, H., Minguet-Rodriguez, J., Mirabito, L., Neugebauer, E., Ngac, A., Prange, G., Rivera, F., Saraiva, P., Schäfer, U., Sieler, U., Smolik, L., Stephan, F., Trier, H., Apollonio, M., Borean, C., Bosisio, L., Della Marina, R., Giannini, G., Gobbo, B., Musolino, G., Pitis, L., He, H., Kim, H., Putz, J., Rothberg, J., Armstrong, S. R., Bellantoni, L., Berkelman, K., Cinabro, D., Conway, J. S., Cranmer, K., Elmer, P., Feng, Z., Ferguson, D. P. S., Gao, Y., González, S., Grahl, J., Harton, J. L., Hayes, O. J., Hu, H., Jin, S., Johnson, R. P., Kile, J., McNamara, P. A., Nielsen, J., Orejudos, W., Pan, Y. B., Saadi, Y., Scott, I. J., Sharma, V., Walsh, A. M., Walsh, J., Wear, J., von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J. H., Wu, J., Wu, S. L., Wu, X., Yamartino, J. M., Zobernig, G., Dissertori, G., Abdallah, J., Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adzic, P., Albrecht, T., Alemany-Fernandez, R., Allmendinger, T., Allport, P. P., Amaldi, U., Amapane, N., Amato, S., Anashkin, E., Andreazza, A., Andringa, S., Anjos, N., Antilogus, P., Apel, W. D., Arnoud, Y., Ask, S., Asman, B., Augustin, J. E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Ballestrero, A., Bambade, P., Barbier, R., Bardin, D., Barker, G. J., Baroncelli, A., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K. H., Begalli, M., Behrmann, A., Belous, K., Ben-Haim, E., Benekos, N., Benvenuti, A., Berat, C., Berggren, M., Berntzon, L., Bertrand, D., Besancon, M., Besson, N., Bloch, D., Blom, M., Bluj, M., Bonesini, M., Boonekamp, M., Booth, P. S. L., Borisov, G., Botner, O., Bouquet, B., Bowcock, T. J. V., Boyko, I., Bracko, M., Brenner, R., Brodet, E., Bruckman, P., Brunet, J. M., Bugge, L., Buschbeck, B., Buschmann, P., Calvi, M., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Carena, F., Castro, N., Cavallo, F., Chapkin, M., Charpentier, P., Checchia, P., Chierici, R., Chliapnikov, P., Chudoba, J., Cieslik, K., Collins, P., Contri, R., Cosme, G., Cossutti, F., Costa, M. J., Crawley, B., Crennell, D., Cuevas, J., D'Hondt, J., Dalmau, J., da Silva, T., Da Silva, W., Della Ricca, G., De Angelis, A., De Boer, W., De Clercq, C., De Lotto, B., De Maria, N., De Min, A., de Paula, L., Di Ciaccio, L., Di Simone, A., Doroba, K., Drees, J., Dris, M., Duperrin, A., Eigen, G., Ekelof, T., Ellert, M., Elsing, M., Espirito Santo, M. C., Fanourakis, G., Fassouliotis, D., Feindt, M., Fernandez, J., Ferrer, A., Ferro, F., Flagmeyer, U., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Fuster, J., Gandelman, M., Garcia, C., Gavillet, P., Gazis, E., Gele, D., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Gomez-Ceballos, G., Gonçalves, P., Graziani, E., Grosdidier, G., Grzelak, K., Guy, J., Haag, C., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hamilton, K., Haug, S., Hauler, F., Hedberg, V., Hennecke, M., Herr, H., Hoffman, J., Holmgren, S. O., Holt, P. J., Houlden, M. A., Hultqvist, K., Jackson, J. N., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jeans, D., Johansson, E. K., Johansson, P. D., Jonsson, P., Joram, C., Jungermann, L., Kapusta, F., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E., Kernel, G., Kersevan, B. P., Kerzel, U., Kiiskinen, A., King, B. T., Kjaer, N. J., Kluit, P., Kokkinias, P., Kostioukhine, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kouznetsov, O., Krumstein, Z., Kucharczyk, M., Lamsa, J., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leinonen, L., Leitner, R., Lemonne, J., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Libby, J., Liebig, W., Liko, D., Lipniacka, A., Lopes, J. H., Lopez, J. M., Loukas, D., Lutz, P., Lyons, L., MacNaughton, J., Malek, A., Maltezos, S., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Marco, R., Marechal, B., Margoni, M., Marin, J. C., Mariotti, C., Markou, A., Martinez-Rivero, C., Masik, J., Mastroyiannopoulos, N., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Mazzucato, F., Mazzucato, M., Mc Nulty, R., Meroni, C., Meyer, W. T., Migliore, E., Mitaroff, W., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moch, M., Moenig, K., Monge, R., Montenegro, J., Moraes, D., Morettini, P., Mueller, U., Muenich, K., Mulders, M., Mundim, L., Murray, W., Muryn, B., Myatt, G., Myklebust, T., Nassiakou, M., Navarria, F., Nawrocki, K., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nikolaenko, V., Nikolenko, M., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Olshevski, A., Onofre, A., Orava, R., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Oyanguren, A., Paganoni, M., Paiano, S., Palacios, J. P., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T. D., Pape, L., Parkes, C., Parodi, F., Parzefall, U., Passeri, A., Passon, O., Perepelitsa, V., Perrotta, A., Petrolini, A., Piedra, J., Pieri, L., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Podobnik, T., Poireau, V., Pol, M. E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdniakov, V., Pukhaeva, N., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Rames, J., Ramler, L., Read, A., Rebecchi, P., Rehn, J., Reid, D., Reinhardt, R., Renton, P., Richard, F., Ridky, J., Ripp-Baudot, I., Rivero, M., Rodriguez, D., Romero, A., Ronchese, P., Rosenberg, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ryabtchikov, D., Sadovsky, A., Salmi, L., Salt, J., Sander, C., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwickerath, U., Segar, A., Sekulin, R., Siebel, M., Simard, L., Sisakian, A., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O., Sokolov, A., Sopczak, A., Sosnowski, R., Spassov, T., Stanitzki, M., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szumlak, T., Tabarelli, T., Taffard, A. C., Tegenfeldt, F., Terranova, F., Thomas, J., Timmermans, J., Tkatchev, L., Tobin, M., Todorovova, S., Tomé, B., Tonazzo, A., Tortosa, P., Travnicek, P., Treille, D., Tristram, G., Trochimczuk, M., Troncon, C., Turluer, M. L., Tyapkin, I. A., Tyapkin, P., Tzamarias, S., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Van Dam, P., Van Eldik, J., Van Lysebetten, A., van Remortel, N., Van Vulpen, I., Vegni, G., Veloso, F., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verdier, P., Verzi, V., Vilanova, D., Vitale, L., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Washbrook, A. J., Weiser, C., Wicke, D., Wickens, J., Wilkinson, G., Winter, M., Witek, M., Yushchenko, O., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zavrtanik, D., Zhuravlov, V., Zimin, N. I., Zintchenko, A., Zupan, M., Achard, P., Adriani, O., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, J., Alemanni, G., Allaby, J., Aloisio, A., Alviggi, M. G., Anderhub, H., Andreev, V. P., Anselmo, F., Arefiev, A., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Bagnaia, P., Bajo, A., Baksay, G., Baksay, L., Baldew, S. V., Banerjee, S., Barczyk, A., Barillère, R., Bartalini, P., Basile, M., Batalova, N., Battiston, R., Bay, A., Behner, F., Bellucci, L., Berbeco, R., Berdugo, J., Berges, P., Bertucci, B., Betev, B. L., Biasini, M., Biglietti, M., Biland, A., Blaising, J. J., Blyth, S. C., Bobbink, G. J., Böhm, A., Boldizsar, L., Borgia, B., Bottai, S., Bourilkov, D., Bourquin, M., Braccini, S., Branson, J. G., Brochu, F., Burger, J. D., Burger, W. J., Cai, X. D., Capell, M., Cara Romeo, G., Carlino, G., Cartacci, A., Casaus, J., Cavallari, F., Cavallo, N., Cecchi, C., Cerrada, M., Chamizo, M., Chang, Y. H., Chemarin, M., Chen, A., Chen, G., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. F., Chen, H. S., Chiefari, G., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Clare, I., Clare, R., Coignet, G., Colino, N., Costantini, S., de la Cruz, B., Cucciarelli, S., de Asmundis, R., Déglon, P., Debreczeni, J., Degré, A., Dehmelt, K., Deiters, K., della Volpe, D., Delmeire, E., Denes, P., DeNotaristefani, F., De Salvo, A., Diemoz, M., Dierckxsens, M., Dionisi, C., Dittmar, M., Doria, A., Dova, M. T., Duchesneau, D., Duda, M., Echenard, B., Eline, A., El Hage, A., El Mamouni, H., Engler, A., Eppling, F. J., Extermann, P., Falagan, M. A., Falciano, S., Favara, A., Fay, J., Fedin, O., Felcini, M., Ferguson, T., Fesefeldt, H., Fiandrini, E., Field, J. H., Filthaut, F., Fisher, P. H., Fisher, W., Forconi, G., Freudenreich, K., Furetta, C., Galaktionov, Y., Ganguli, S. N., Garcia-Abia, P., Gataullin, M., Gentile, S., Giagu, S., Gong, Z. F., Grenier, G., Grimm, O., Gruenewald, M. W., Gupta, V. K., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L. J., Haas, D., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hebbeker, T., Hervé, A., Hirschfelder, J., Hofer, H., Hohlmann, M., Holzner, G., Hou, S. R., Jin, B. N., Jindal, P., Jones, L. W., de Jong, P., Josa-Mutuberría, I., Kaur, M., Kienzle-Focacci, M. N., Kim, J. K., Kirkby, J., Kittel, W., Klimentov, A., König, A. C., Kopal, M., Koutsenko, V., Kräber, M., Kraemer, R. W., Krüger, A., Kunin, A., de Guevara, P. L., Laktineh, I., Landi, G., Lebeau, M., Lebedev, A., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Le Coultre, P., Le Goff, J. M., Leiste, R., Levtchenko, M., Levtchenko, P., Li, C., Likhoded, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, W. T., Linde, F. L., Lista, L., Liu, Z. A., Lohmann, W., Longo, E., Lu, Y. S., Luci, C., Luminari, L., Lustermann, W., Ma, W. G., Malgeri, L., Malinin, A., Maña, C., Mans, J., Martin, J. P., Marzano, F., Mazumdar, K., McNeil, R. R., Mele, S., Merola, L., Meschini, M., Metzger, W. J., Mihul, A., Milcent, H., Mirabelli, G., Mnich, J., Mohanty, G. B., Muanza, G. S., Muijs, A. J. M., Musy, M., Nagy, S., Natale, S., Napolitano, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Newman, H., Nisati, A., Novak, T., Nowak, H., Ofierzynski, R., Organtini, G., Pal, I., Palomares, C., Paolucci, P., Paramatti, R., Passaleva, G., Patricelli, S., Paul, T., Pauluzzi, M., Paus, C., Pauss, F., Pedace, M., Pensotti, S., Perret-Gallix, D., Piccolo, D., Pierella, F., Pieri, M., Pioppi, M., Piroué, P. A., Pistolesi, E., Plyaskin, V., Pohl, M., Pojidaev, V., Pothier, J., Prokofiev, D., Rahal-Callot, G., Rahaman, M. A., Raics, P., Raja, N., Ramelli, R., Rancoita, P. G., Ranieri, R., Raspereza, A., Razis, P., Rembeczki, S., Ren, D., Rescigno, M., Reucroft, S., Riemann, S., Riles, K., Roe, B. P., Romero, L., Rosca, A., Rosemann, C., Rosenbleck, C., Rosier-Lees, S., Roth, S., Rubio, J. A., Ruggiero, G., Rykaczewski, H., Sakharov, A., Saremi, S., Sarkar, S., Salicio, J., Sanchez, E., Schäfer, C., Schegelsky, V., Schopper, H., Schotanus, D. J., Sciacca, C., Servoli, L., Shevchenko, S., Shivarov, N., Shoutko, V., Shumilov, E., Shvorob, A., Son, D., Souga, C., Spillantini, P., Steuer, M., Stickland, D. P., Stoyanov, B., Straessner, A., Sudhakar, K., Sultanov, G., Sun, L. Z., Sushkov, S., Suter, H., Swain, J. D., Szillasi, Z., Tang, X. W., Tarjan, P., Tauscher, L., Taylor, L., Tellili, B., Teyssier, D., Timmermans, C., Ting, S. C. C., Ting, S. M., Tonwar, S. C., Tóth, J., Tully, C., Tung, K. L., Ulbricht, J., Valente, E., Van de Walle, R. T., Vasquez, R., Vesztergombi, G., Vetlitsky, I., Viertel, G., Vivargent, M., Vlachos, S., Vodopianov, I., Vogel, H., Vogt, H., Vorobiev, I., Vorobyov, A. A., Wadhwa, M., Wang, Q., Wang, X. L., Wang, Z. M., Weber, M., Wynhoff, S., Xia, L., Xu, Z. Z., Yamamoto, J., Yang, B. Z., Yang, C. G., Yang, H. J., Yang, M., Yeh, S. C., Zalite, A., Zalite, Y., Zhang, Z. P., Zhao, J., Zhu, G. Y., Zhu, R. Y., Zhuang, H. L., Zichichi, A., Zimmermann, B., Zöller, M., Abbiendi, G., Ackerstaff, K., Ainsley, C., Åkesson, P. F., Alexander, G., Allison, J., Altekamp, N., Ametewee, K., Anagnostou, G., Anderson, K. J., Anderson, S., Arcelli, S., Asai, S., Ashby, S. F., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Ball, A. H., Bailey, I., Barillari, T., Barlow, R. J., Bartoldus, R., Batley, R. J., Baumann, S., Bechtle, P., Bechtluft, J., Beeston, C., Behnke, T., Bell, K. W., Bell, P. J., Bella, G., Bellerive, A., Benelli, G., Bentvelsen, S., Berlich, P., Bethke, S., Biebel, O., Boeriu, O., Blobel, V., Bloodworth, I. J., Bloomer, J. E., Bobinski, M., Bock, P., Bonacorsi, D., Bosch, H. M., Boutemeur, M., Bouwens, B. T., Braibant, S., Brigliadori, L., Brown, R. M., Burckhart, H. J., Burgard, C., Bürgin, R., Cammin, J., Campana, S., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R. K., Carter, A. A., Carter, J. R., Chang, C. Y., Charlton, D. G., Chrisman, D., Ciocca, C., Clarke, P. E. L., Clay, E., Cohen, I., Conboy, J. E., Cooke, O. C., Couchman, J., Couyoumtzelis, C., Coxe, R. L., Csilling, A., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallapiccola, C., Dallavalle, M., Dallison, S., De Jong, S., De Roeck, A., Dervan, P., De Wolf, E. A., del Pozo, L. A., Desch, K., Dienes, B., Dixit, M. S., do Couto e Silva, E., Donkers, M., Doucet, M., Dubbert, J., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I. P., Edwards, J. E. G., Estabrooks, P. G., Etzion, E., Evans, H. G., Evans, M., Fabbri, F., Fanti, M., Fath, P., Feld, L., Ferrari, P., Fiedler, F., Fierro, M., Fischer, H. M., Fleck, I., Folman, R., Fong, D. G., Ford, M., Foucher, M., Frey, A., Fürtjes, A., Futyan, D. I., Gagnon, P., Gary, J. W., Gascon, J., Gascon-Shotkin, S. M., Gaycken, G., Geddes, N. I., Geich-Gimbel, C., Geralis, T., Giacomelli, G., Giacomelli, P., Giacomelli, R., Gibson, V., Gibson, W. R., Gingrich, D. M., Giunta, M., Glenzinski, D., Goldberg, J., Goodrick, M. J., Gorn, W., Graham, K., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Grunhaus, J., Gruwé, M., Günther, P. O., Gupta, A., Hajdu, C., Hamann, M., Hanson, G. G., Hansroul, M., Hapke, M., Harder, K., Harel, A., Hargrove, C. K., Harin-Dirac, M., Hart, P. A., Hartmann, C., Hauke, A., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C. M., Hawkings, R., Hemingway, R. J., Hensel, C., Herndon, M., Herten, G., Heuer, R. D., Hildreth, M. D., Hill, J. C., Hillier, S. J., Hilse, T., Hobson, P. R., Hocker, A., Hoffman, K., Homer, R. J., Honma, A. K., Horváth, D., Hossain, K. R., Howard, R., Hughes-Jones, R. E., Hüntemeyer, P., Igo-Kemenes, P., Imrie, D. C., Ingram, M. R., Ishii, K., Jacob, F. 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  • The dynamic quasiperpendicular shock: Cluster discoveries

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  • 2012

    Competition for IL-2 between regulatory and effector T cells to chisel immune responses

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  • Electron spin resonance-scanning tunneling microscopy

    Balatsky, A. V., Nishijima, M. & Manassen, Y., 1 Apr 2012, In: Advances in Physics. 61, 2, p. 117-152 36 p.

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  • Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of nanodiamonds

    Panich, A. M., 1 Jan 2012, In: Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences. 37, 4, p. 276-303 28 p.

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  • Relativistic reconnection and particle acceleration

    Hoshino, M. & Lyubarsky, Y., 1 Nov 2012, In: Space Science Reviews. 173, 1-4, p. 521-533 13 p.

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  • Restoring time dependence into quantum cosmology

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  • Turbulent field helicity fluctuations and mean helicity appearance

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  • 2011

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  • Spectral signatures of colonic malignancies in the mid-infrared region: From basic research to clinical applicability

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  • 2009

    Probing brain oxygenation with near infrared spectroscopy

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  • 2007

    Comment on "Anomalous neutron Compton scattering from molecular hydrogen"

    Moreh, R., Block, R. C. & Danon, Y., 6 Feb 2007, In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75, 5, 057101.

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    4 Scopus citations