Activities per year
- 5 results
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International Association for Nutrition and Aging (External organization)
Shahar, D. (Chair)
2005 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Community Health Sciences (Organizational unit)
Shahar, D. (Chair)
2001 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board
The Israeli Gerontology Association (External organization)
Shahar, D. (Chair)
2001 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Community Health Sciences (Organizational unit)
Shahar, D. (Chair)
2000 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board
The Israeli Dietetic Association (External organization)
Shahar, D. (Chair)
1998 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of board