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Search results

  • 2025

    Engineering of the genetic code

    Cohen, Y. & Alfonta, L., 1 Feb 2025, In: Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 91, 103245.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Notes on integrating out M2 branes

    Hattab, J. & Palti, E., 1 Jan 2025, In: European Physical Journal C. 85, 1, 107.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The flexible chain: regulation of structure and activity of ETC complexes defines rate of ATP synthesis and sites of superoxide generation

    Bochkova, Z. V., Baizhumanov, A. A., Yusipovich, A. I., Morozova, K. I., Nikelshparg, E. I., Fedotova, A. A., Tiaglik, A. B., Xu, Y., Brazhe, A. R., Maksimov, G. V., Bilan, D. S., Khramova, Y. V., Parshina, E. Y. & Brazhe, N. A., 1 Jan 2025, (Accepted/In press) In: Biophysical Reviews.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • White paper and roadmap for quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger era

    Alves Batista, R., Amelino-Camelia, G., Boncioli, D., Carmona, J. M., di Matteo, A., Gubitosi, G., Lobo, I., Mavromatos, N. E., Pfeifer, C., Rubiera-Garcia, D., Saridakis, E. N., Terzić, T., Vagenas, E. C., Vargas Moniz, P., Abdalla, H., Adamo, M., Addazi, A., Anagnostopoulos, F. K., Antonelli, V. & Asorey, M. & 84 others, Ballesteros, A., Basilakos, S., Benisty, D., Boettcher, M., Bolmont, J., Bonilla, A., Bosso, P., Bouhmadi-López, M., Burderi, L., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Caroff, S., Cerci, S., Cortes, J. L., D’Esposito, V., Das, S., de Cesare, M., Demirci, M., Di Lodovico, F., Di Salvo, T., Diego, J. M., Djordjevic, G. S., Domi, A., Ducobu, L., Escamilla-Rivera, C., Fabiano, G., Fernández-Silvestre, D., Franchino-Viñas, S. A., Frassino, A. M., Frattulillo, D., Gaug, M., Gergely, L., Guendelman, E. I., Guetta, D., Gutierrez-Sagredo, I., He, P., Heefer, S., Jurić, T., Katori, T., Kowalski-Glikman, J., Lambiase, G., Levi Said, J., Li, C., Li, H., Luciano, G. G., Ma, B. Q., Marciano, A., Martinez, M., Mazumdar, A., Menezes, G., Mercati, F., Minic, D., Miramonti, L., Mitsou, V. A., Mustamin, M. F., Navas, S., Olmo, G. J., Oriti, D., Övgün, A., Pantig, R. C., Parvizi, A., Pasechnik, R., Pasic, V., Petruzziello, L., Platania, A., Rasouli, S. M. M., Rastgoo, S., Relancio, J. J., Rescic, F., Reyes, M. A., Rosati, G., Sakallı, Salamida, F., Sanna, A., Staicova, D., Strišković, J., Sunar Cerci, D., Torri, M. D. C., Vigliano, A., Wagner, F., Wallet, J. C., Wojnar, A., Zarikas, V., Zhu, J. & Zornoza, J. D., 7 Feb 2025, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 42, 3, 032001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • 2024

    2024 roadmap on membrane desalination technology at the water-energy nexus

    Politano, A., Al-Juboori, R. A., Alnajdi, S., Alsaati, A., Athanassiou, A., Bar-Sadan, M., Beni, A. N., Campi, D., Cupolillo, A., D’Olimpio, G., D’Andrea, G., Estay, H., Fragouli, D., Gurreri, L., Ghaffour, N., Gilron, J., Hilal, N., Occhiuzzi, J., Carvajal, M. R. & Ronen, A. & 10 others, Santoro, S., Tedesco, M., Tufa, R. A., Ulbricht, M., Warsinger, D. M., Xevgenos, D., Zaragoza, G., Zhang, Y. W., Zhou, M. & Curcio, E., 1 Apr 2024, In: JPhys Energy. 6, 2, 021502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • A focus on molecular representation learning for the prediction of chemical properties

    Harnik, Y. & Milo, A., 25 Mar 2024, In: Chemical Science. 15, 14, p. 5052-5055 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Anodic Oxidation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Amides, Bisamides and Related Derivatives

    Becker, J. Y., 25 Mar 2024, In: ChemElectroChem. 11, 15, 17 p., e202400023 .

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Aptamer-guided Selective Delivery of Therapeutics to Breast Cancer Cells Expressing Specific Biomarkers

    Pandey, S. K., Parul, M. & Santhanam, M., 1 Jan 2024, In: Current Cancer Therapy Reviews. 20, 5, p. 434-460 27 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Aspects of non-relativistic quantum field theories

    Baiguera, S., 1 Mar 2024, In: European Physical Journal C. 84, 3, 268.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Bulk MgB2 Superconducting Materials: Technology, Properties, and Applications

    Prikhna, T., Sokolovsky, V. & Moshchil, V., 1 Jun 2024, In: Materials. 17, 11, 2787.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Cannabinoids’ Role in Modulating Central and Peripheral Immunity in Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Sharon, N., Yarmolinsky, L., Khalfin, B., Fleisher-Berkovich, S. & Ben-Shabat, S., 1 Jun 2024, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25, 12, 6402.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Decoding Cancer through Silencing the Mitochondrial Gatekeeper VDAC1

    Arif, T., Shteinfer-Kuzmine, A. & Shoshan-Barmatz, V., 1 Oct 2024, In: Biomolecules. 14, 10, 1304.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Effect of Sol–Gel Silica Matrices on the Chemical Properties of Adsorbed/Entrapped Compounds

    Burg, A., Yadav, K. K., Meyerstein, D., Kornweitz, H., Shamir, D. & Albo, Y., 1 Jul 2024, In: Gels. 10, 7, 441.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Exact approaches on the string worldsheet

    Demulder, S., Driezen, S., Knighton, B., Oling, G., Retore, A. L., Seibold, F. K., Sfondrini, A. & Yan, Z., 8 Nov 2024, In: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 57, 42, 423001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Expanding the Genetic Code of Bioelectrocatalysis and Biomaterials

    Chemla, Y., Kaufman, F., Amiram, M. & Alfonta, L., 23 Oct 2024, In: Chemical Reviews. 124, 20, p. 11187-11241 55 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Goals, challenges, and perspectives in chemical transformations within living systems

    Wu, T., Chen, Y., Zimmerman, S. C., Xing, H. & Bai, Y., 17 Apr 2024, In: Cell Reports Physical Science. 5, 4, 101896.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Impacts of Desalination Brine Discharge on Benthic Ecosystems

    Sirota, R., Winters, G., Levy, O., Marques, J., Paytan, A., Silverman, J., Sisma-Ventura, G., Rahav, E., Antler, G. & Bar-Zeev, E., 2 Apr 2024, In: Environmental Science and Technology. 58, 13, p. 5631-5645 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Less is better: various means to reduce protein load in the endoplasmic reticulum

    Dabsan, S., Twito, G., Biadsy, S. & Igbaria, A., 1 Jan 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: FEBS Journal.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Metabolite-mediated adaptation of crops to drought and the acquisition of tolerance

    Zhang, F., Rosental, L., Ji, B., Brotman, Y. & Dai, M., 1 May 2024, In: Plant Journal. 118, 3, p. 626-644 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Natural Antimicrobial Compounds as Promising Preservatives: A Look at an Old Problem from New Perspectives

    Yarmolinsky, L., Nakonechny, F., Haddis, T., Khalfin, B., Dahan, A. & Ben-Shabat, S., 1 Dec 2024, In: Molecules. 29, 24, 5830.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Relapse after electric barrier-induced voluntary abstinence: A review

    Negishi, K., Fredriksson, I., Bossert, J. M., Zangen, A. & Shaham, Y., 1 Jun 2024, In: Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 86, 102856.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • Resilient sustainable current and emerging technologies for foodborne pathogen detection

    Bhowmik, D., Rickard, J. J. S., Jelinek, R. & Goldberg Oppenheimer, P., 1 Jan 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Sustainable Food Technology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • The green seaweed Ulva: tomorrow’s “wheat of the sea” in foods, feeds, nutrition, and biomaterials

    Hofmann, L. C., Strauss, S., Shpigel, M., Guttman, L., Stengel, D. B., Rebours, C., Gjorgovska, N., Turan, G., Balina, K., Zammit, G., Adams, J. M. M., Ahsan, U., Bartolo, A. G., Bolton, J. J., Domingues, R., Dürrani, Ö., Eroldogan, O. T., Freitas, A., Golberg, A. & Kremer, K. I. & 8 others, Marques, F., Milia, M., Steinhagen, S., Sucu, E., Vargas-Murga, L., Zemah-Shamir, S., Zemah-Shamir, Z. & Meléndez-Martínez, A. J., 1 Jan 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • VDAC1-Based Peptides as Potential Modulators of VDAC1 Interactions with Its Partners and as a Therapeutic for Cancer, NASH, and Diabetes

    Shteinfer-Kuzmine, A., Santhanam, M. & Shoshan-Barmatz, V., 1 Sep 2024, In: Biomolecules. 14, 9, 1139.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • What Can a GNOME Do? Search Targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics Searches

    Afach, S., Aybas Tumturk, D., Bekker, H., Buchler, B. C., Budker, D., Cervantes, K., Derevianko, A., Eby, J., Figueroa, N. L., Folman, R., Gavilán-Martín, D., Givon, M., Grujić, Z. D., Guo, H., Hamilton, P., Hedges, M. P., Jackson Kimball, D. F., Khamis, S., Kim, D. & Klinger, E. & 33 others, Kryemadhi, A., Liu, X., Łukasiewicz, G., Masia-Roig, H., Padniuk, M., Palm, C. A., Park, S. Y., Pearson, H. R., Peng, X., Pospelov, M., Pustelny, S., Rosenzweig, Y., Ruimi, O. M., Scholtes, T., Segura, P. C., Semertzidis, Y. K., Shin, Y. C., Smiga, J. A., Stadnik, Y. V., Stalnaker, J. E., Sulai, I. A., Tandon, D., Vu, K., Weis, A., Wickenbrock, A., Wilson, T. Z., Wu, T., Xiao, W., Yang, Y., Yu, D., Yu, F., Zhang, J. & Zhao, Y., 1 Jan 2024, In: Annalen der Physik. 536, 1, 2300083.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • 2023

    Apoptotic cell death in disease—Current understanding of the NCCD 2023

    Vitale, I., Pietrocola, F., Guilbaud, E., Aaronson, S. A., Abrams, J. M., Adam, D., Agostini, M., Agostinis, P., Alnemri, E. S., Altucci, L., Amelio, I., Andrews, D. W., Aqeilan, R. I., Arama, E., Baehrecke, E. H., Balachandran, S., Bano, D., Barlev, N. A., Bartek, J. & Bazan, N. G. & 208 others, Becker, C., Bernassola, F., Bertrand, M. J. M., Bianchi, M. E., Blagosklonny, M. V., Blander, J. M., Blandino, G., Blomgren, K., Borner, C., Bortner, C. D., Bove, P., Boya, P., Brenner, C., Broz, P., Brunner, T., Damgaard, R. B., Calin, G. A., Campanella, M., Candi, E., Carbone, M., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Cecconi, F., Chan, F. K. M., Chen, G. Q., Chen, Q., Chen, Y. H., Cheng, E. H., Chipuk, J. E., Cidlowski, J. A., Ciechanover, A., Ciliberto, G., Conrad, M., Cubillos-Ruiz, J. R., Czabotar, P. E., D’Angiolella, V., Daugaard, M., Dawson, T. M., Dawson, V. L., De Maria, R., De Strooper, B., Debatin, K. M., Deberardinis, R. J., Degterev, A., Del Sal, G., Deshmukh, M., Di Virgilio, F., Diederich, M., Dixon, S. J., Dynlacht, B. D., El-Deiry, W. S., Elrod, J. W., Engeland, K., Fimia, G. M., Galassi, C., Ganini, C., Garcia-Saez, A. J., Garg, A. D., Garrido, C., Gavathiotis, E., Gerlic, M., Ghosh, S., Green, D. R., Greene, L. A., Gronemeyer, H., Häcker, G., Hajnóczky, G., Hardwick, J. M., Haupt, Y., He, S., Heery, D. M., Hengartner, M. O., Hetz, C., Hildeman, D. A., Ichijo, H., Inoue, S., Jäättelä, M., Janic, A., Joseph, B., Jost, P. J., Kanneganti, T. D., Karin, M., Kashkar, H., Kaufmann, T., Kelly, G. L., Kepp, O., Kimchi, A., Kitsis, R. N., Klionsky, D. J., Kluck, R., Krysko, D. V., Kulms, D., Kumar, S., Lavandero, S., Lavrik, I. N., Lemasters, J. J., Liccardi, G., Linkermann, A., Lipton, S. A., Lockshin, R. A., López-Otín, C., Luedde, T., MacFarlane, M., Madeo, F., Malorni, W., Manic, G., Mantovani, R., Marchi, S., Marine, J. C., Martin, S. J., Martinou, J. C., Mastroberardino, P. G., Medema, J. P., Mehlen, P., Meier, P., Melino, G., Melino, S., Miao, E. A., Moll, U. M., Muñoz-Pinedo, C., Murphy, D. J., Niklison-Chirou, M. V., Novelli, F., Núñez, G., Oberst, A., Ofengeim, D., Opferman, J. T., Oren, M., Pagano, M., Panaretakis, T., Pasparakis, M., Penninger, J. M., Pentimalli, F., Pereira, D. M., Pervaiz, S., Peter, M. E., Pinton, P., Porta, G., Prehn, J. H. M., Puthalakath, H., Rabinovich, G. A., Rajalingam, K., Ravichandran, K. S., Rehm, M., Ricci, J. E., Rizzuto, R., Robinson, N., Rodrigues, C. M. P., Rotblat, B., Rothlin, C. V., Rubinsztein, D. C., Rudel, T., Rufini, A., Ryan, K. M., Sarosiek, K. A., Sawa, A., Sayan, E., Schroder, K., Scorrano, L., Sesti, F., Shao, F., Shi, Y., Sica, G. S., Silke, J., Simon, H. U., Sistigu, A., Stephanou, A., Stockwell, B. R., Strapazzon, F., Strasser, A., Sun, L., Sun, E., Sun, Q., Szabadkai, G., Tait, S. W. G., Tang, D., Tavernarakis, N., Troy, C. M., Turk, B., Urbano, N., Vandenabeele, P., Vanden Berghe, T., Vander Heiden, M. G., Vanderluit, J. L., Verkhratsky, A., Villunger, A., von Karstedt, S., Voss, A. K., Vousden, K. H., Vucic, D., Vuri, D., Wagner, E. F., Walczak, H., Wallach, D., Wang, R., Wang, Y., Weber, A., Wood, W., Yamazaki, T., Yang, H. T., Zakeri, Z., Zawacka-Pankau, J. E., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Zhivotovsky, B., Zhou, W., Piacentini, M., Kroemer, G. & Galluzzi, L., 1 May 2023, In: Cell Death and Differentiation. 30, 5, p. 1097-1154 58 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    156 Scopus citations
  • Apoptotic proteins with non-apoptotic activity: expression and function in cancer

    Shoshan-Barmatz, V., Arif, T. & Shteinfer-Kuzmine, A., 1 Jun 2023, In: Apoptosis. 28, 5-6, p. 730-753 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Scopus citations
  • Bilateral deep transcranial magnetic stimulation of motor and prefrontal cortices in Parkinson’s disease: a comprehensive review

    Hanlon, C. A., Lench, D. H., Pell, G., Roth, Y., Zangen, A. & Tendler, A., 1 Jan 2023, In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 17, 1336027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Cannabis as a Source of Approved Drugs: A New Look at an Old Problem

    Gabarin, A., Yarmolinsky, L., Budovsky, A., Khalfin, B. & Ben-Shabat, S., 1 Dec 2023, In: Molecules. 28, 23, 7686.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Carbon nanomaterials in microbial sensing and bactericidal applications

    Jaiswal, K. S., Kadamannil, N. N. & Jelinek, R., 1 Aug 2023, In: Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science. 66, 101719.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    15 Scopus citations
  • Conceptualizing microbe–plasmid communities as complex adaptive systems

    Pilosof, S., 1 Jul 2023, In: Trends in Microbiology. 31, 7, p. 672-680 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Design and simulated performance of calorimetry systems for the ECCE detector at the electron ion collider

    Bock, F., Schmidt, N., Wang, P. K., Santiesteban, N., Horn, T., Huang, J., Lajoie, J., Munoz Camacho, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R. & Benmokhtar, F. & 259 others, Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168464.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Detector requirements and simulation results for the EIC exclusive, diffractive and tagging physics program using the ECCE detector concept

    Bylinkin, A., Dean, C. T., Fegan, S., Gangadharan, D., Gates, K., Kay, S. J. D., Korover, I., Li, W. B., Li, X., Montgomery, R., Nguyen, D., Penman, G., Pybus, J. R., Santiesteban, N., Shimizu, S., Trotta, R., Usman, A., Baker, M. D., Frantz, J. & Glazier, D. I. & 259 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Reed, R., Roche, J., Schmidt, A., Steinberg, P., Stevens, J., Goto, Y., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Papandreou, Z., Zha, W., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Finger, M., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gardner, S., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glimos, E., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Stepanov, P., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Jul 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1052, 168238.

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    6 Scopus citations
  • Diffractive and Photon-Induced Production of Top Quark

    Pitt, M., 1 Nov 2023, In: Universe. 9, 11, 483.

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    1 Scopus citations
  • ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements

    Seidl, R., Vladimirov, A., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 260 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., da Costa, H. P., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Hulse, C. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168458.

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    Open Access
  • Evaluation of longitudinal double-spin asymmetry measurements in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from the proton for the ECCE detector design

    Van Hulse, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E. & Brindza, P. & 258 others, Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., C.Cuevas, Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Costa, H. P. D., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., Hecke, H. W. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Nov 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1056, 168563.

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    1 Scopus citations
  • Functional and regulatory impact of chimeric RNAs in human normal and cancer cells

    Mukherjee, S., Mukherjee, S. B. & Frenkel-Morgenstern, M., 1 Sep 2023, In: Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. RNA. 14, 5, e1777.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • It’s Time for Entropic Clocks: The Roles of Random Chain Protein Sequences in Timing Ion Channel Processes Underlying Action Potential Properties

    Nsasra, E., Dahan, I., Eichler, J. & Yifrach, O., 1 Sep 2023, In: Entropy. 25, 9, 1351.

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    2 Scopus citations
  • Limitations and advantages of using metabolite-based genome-wide association studies: Focus on fruit quality traits

    Vallarino, J. G., Hong, J., Wang, S., Wang, X., Sade, N., Orf, I., Zhang, D., Shi, J., Shen, S., Cuadros-Inostroza, Á., Xu, Q., Luo, J., Fernie, A. R. & Brotman, Y., 1 Aug 2023, In: Plant Science. 333, 111748.

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    5 Scopus citations
  • Mind from Matter: The Chemical Connection

    Pascal, R. & Pross, A., 1 Aug 2023, In: Israel Journal of Chemistry. 63, 7-8, e202300038.

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    2 Scopus citations
  • Monosex Populations of the Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii—From a Pre-Molecular Start to the Next Generation Era

    Wahl, M., Levy, T., Ventura, T. & Sagi, A., 1 Dec 2023, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24, 24, 17433.

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    3 Scopus citations
  • Organic Supercapacitors as the Next Generation Energy Storage Device: Emergence, Opportunity, and Challenges

    Biswas, S. & Chowdhury, A., 1 Feb 2023, In: ChemPhysChem. 24, 3, e202200567.

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    42 Scopus citations
  • Rational design of peptide-based implants for corneal bioengineering

    Pramanik, B., Islam, M. M. & Patra, H. K., 1 Jun 2023, In: Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 81, 102947.

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    2 Scopus citations
  • Revisiting the Rotational Field TMS Method for Neurostimulation

    Roth, Y., Zibman, S., Pell, G. S., Zangen, A. & Tendler, A., 1 Feb 2023, In: Journal of Clinical Medicine. 12, 3, 983.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • RNA Nanostructures: From Structure to Function

    Wilner, O. I., Yesodi, D. & Weizmann, Y., 18 Jan 2023, In: Bioconjugate Chemistry. 34, 1, p. 30-36 7 p.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • Search for e→τ charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC with the ECCE detector

    Zhang, J. L., Mantry, S., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 259 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., 1 Aug 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1053, 168276.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • Self-Organization and Genomic Causality in Models of Morphogenesis

    Deichmann, U., 1 Jun 2023, In: Entropy. 25, 6, 873.

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    5 Scopus citations
  • Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Primordial black hole dark matter

    Bird, S., Albert, A., Dawson, W., Ali-Haïmoud, Y., Coogan, A., Drlica-Wagner, A., Feng, Q., Inman, D., Inomata, K., Kovetz, E., Kusenko, A., Lehmann, B. V., Muñoz, J. B., Singh, R., Takhistov, V. & Tsai, Y. D., 1 Aug 2023, In: Physics of the Dark Universe. 41, 101231.

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    20 Scopus citations
  • Sonochemistry of molten gallium

    Kumar, V. B., Gedanken, A. & Porat, Z., 1 May 2023, In: Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 95, 106364.

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    9 Scopus citations
  • The beauty and complexity of the small heat shock proteins: a report on the proceedings of the fourth workshop on small heat shock proteins

    Ecroyd, H., Bartelt-Kirbach, B., Ben-Zvi, A., Bonavita, R., Bushman, Y., Casarotto, E., Cecconi, C., Lau, W. C. Y., Hibshman, J. D., Joosten, J., Kimonis, V., Klevit, R., Liberek, K., McMenimen, K. A., Miwa, T., Mogk, A., Montepietra, D., Peters, C., Rocchetti, M. T. & Saman, D. & 10 others, Sisto, A., Secco, V., Strauch, A., Taguchi, H., Tanguay, M., Tedesco, B., Toth, M. E., Wang, Z., Benesch, J. L. P. & Carra, S., 1 Nov 2023, In: Cell Stress and Chaperones. 28, 6, p. 621-629 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations