Student theses
- 41 results
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Writing with Word Processors
Asaf, M. (Author), Kozminsky, E. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
A Community High School: An Ethnographic Case Study
Kamir, D. (Author), Kacen, L. (Supervisor) & Gordon, D. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
To be an Arab Woman Teacher in Israel: Motivations, Challenges, Dilemmas and Agency
Saba-Sa'Di, S. (Author), Yonah, Y. (Supervisor) & Yanay, N. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Religious Exploration and Indentity- The Tension between Religion and Religiosity:Religious Values in Modern Orthodox Context
Cohen- Malayev, M. (Author), Kaplan, A. (Supervisor) & Assor, A. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Gender and Information Technology: Characteristics of Conceptions, Attitudes and Discourse of Women Students in an E-learning Environment
Baruch, R. (Author), Kozminsky, E. (Supervisor) & Shinar, D. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
emotional intelligence' interdependence, and relationship duration as predictors of romantic relationship quality
Kanat-Maymon, Y. (Author), Assor, A. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Propositional Knowledge of Mathematics Teachers: Its Theorization, Measurement And Relation With Their Formal Mathematics Education
Gur Hermon, N. (Author), Hoz, R. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
School-Based-Assessment as a Trigger for Sschool and Ssystemic Change
Mero-Jaffe, I. (Author), Levin Rozalis, M. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Ideology and Praxis-Facilitating Encounter Groups
Fisher Einziger, S. (Author), Sagy, S. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Language Use as Mediating Educational Change
Argaman, E. (Author), Noyman, Y. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Didactic Propositional Knowledge Studied by Student Teachers in Supervisory
Malka Shor, L. (Author), Hoz, R. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Career Development among Women Assistant Principles- Reasons to Remain in the Position of The Assistant Principal and Barriers to Senior Management
Tamir, V. (Author), Oplatka, I. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Types of Adjustment and Coping Reactions of Visually Impaired Childrem to Their Inclusion in the Mainstream
Hess, I. (Author), Horowitz, T. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Crisis of Humanistic Education in Israel in the Post-Modern Period Patterns in Problem -Management
Mirochnik, S. (Author), Aviram, R. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Policy Implementation as a Learning Process "The Thirty Towns" Project
Cohen, Y. (Author), Gordon, D. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Educational Wnvironments, Motivational Oruentations for Learning and the Quality of Social Interaction between Young Adolescents in School
Tosman, I. (Author), Kaplan, A. (Supervisor) & Assor, A. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Pioneer in Higher Education : The Meaning of Pioneering Among Educated Bedouin Women in the Negev
Abu-Rabia-Queder, S. (Author), Flum, H. (Supervisor) & Yanay, N. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Coping with Values Conflicts of Teachers and Students in the Israeli State-Religious Schools
Bar-Lev, E. (Author), Horowitz, T. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Ideas in the Philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty that can Contribute to Education for Resposibility to Nature
Tamari, S. (Author), Gordon, H. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Self-Regulation in Writing: The Role of Perceived Environmental Goal Structure in Regulating Cognition, Motivation and Behavior
Lichtinger, E. (Author), Gorodetsky, M. (Supervisor) & Kaplan, A. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Scool clusters as a lever for educational change: The "Realities" of Team Members and that of the Advisor as Shaping Collective
Weiss, T. (Author), Gorodetsky, M. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Significance of the Roles of Homeroom Educators and Subject Teachers in the Israeli Education System
Bakshy-Brosh, I. (Author), Gordon, D. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Koren, Y. (Author), Gorodetsky, M. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Collective Indentity of Arab-Israeli Students: Idetity Complexity and Collective Self Esteem
Hugierat, M. (Author), Yonah, Y. (Supervisor), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Relations Between Parental Strategies and Modes of Emotion Regulation, Internalization Processes and Intimacy Ability of Children and Adults
Roth, G. (Author), Assor, A. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Trends in the Development of Secondary Technological Education in Development Towns in Israel at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Greenspan, E. (Author), Gordon, D. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Effects of Autonomy Support and Autonomy Suppression by Teacher on Academic Functioning,Motivation and Emotions of Children and Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study with Students of High and Low Parental Education
Kaplan, H. (Author), Assor, A. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Issue of Peace Education in Israel
Zamir, S. (Author), Yonah, Y. (Supervisor) & Abu-Saad, I. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Home Schooling in Israel
Noiman, A. (Author), Aviram, R. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Effect of Teaching Language of Thinking Through Concept Mapping on Inquiry Learning
Nathan, N. (Author), Kozminsky, E. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
What is The Structure of Knowledge (if There is One) on Which Industrial Thinking Curricula Are Actually Based, and What is The Appropriate Structure of Knowledge on Which They Should Be Based?
Wies, S. (Author), Gordon, D. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
From Search for Information to Construction of Knowlege
Rimmor, R. (Author), Kozminsky, E. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Perceived Job Complexity, Stress, and School Organizational Climate and Their Impact on Burnout and Quitting among Special - Education Teachers in Regular Schools
Unknown, U. (Author), Horowitz, T. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Effect of Autoinomy Support on Intrinsic-Motivation on children from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
Katz, I. (Author), Assor, A. (Supervisor), 2003Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Individual and Group Defense Mechanisms in an Intergroup Dialogue: Encounter beetween Israeli Arabs and Jewish Students in an Israeli University
Agmon, S. (Author), Sagy, S. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Personal amd Institutional Factors that Influence Beliefs,Educational Attitudes and Success in Stodies in Bedouin and Jewish Preservice Teachers
Fichel, D. (Author), Sagy, S. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Community Characteristics in the Prevention Initiative and its Connection to Adolescents' Attitudes Towards Substance Abuse,Behavioral Intentions and
Biderman, D. (Author), Sagy, S. (Supervisor), 2002Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
To See the Sound - The Effect of Visual-Kinesthetic Experience on The Perception of Organization in a Musical Composition
Aillenbera, H. (Author), Gorodetsky, M. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
The Development of the Sense of Coherence: An Analysis of Life Stories
Bentak-Israeli, A. (Author), Sagy, S. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
What is Excellent in Excellence: A Model for the Analysis of Problem Solving By Gifted.Experts, and Other Groups
Kloiyer, R. (Author), Gorodetsky, M. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
מדריכים פדגוגיים במכללות לחינוך: הזיקות שבין תפיסת התפקיד וסגנון ההדרכה שלהם, ונסיבות ההדרכה
Tomer, O. (Author), Hoz, R. (Supervisor), 2000Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis