Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Search results

  • 2010

    Chronicles (Books)

    Klein, R. W., McGinn, B. & Viezel, E., 2010, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception (EBR). de Gruyter, p. 226-234

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionarypeer-review

  • Ezra (Book and Person)

    Britt, B., Fuhrmann, S., Fulton, D. N., Mariottini, C., McGinn, B., Murray, M., Pakkala, J., Rippin, A., Viezel, E. & Zucker, D. J., 2010, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Furey, C. M., LeMon, J. M., Matz, B., Römer, T. C., Schröter, J., Walfish, B. D. & Ziolkowski, E. (eds.). de Gruyter

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionarypeer-review