Search results

  • 2024

    Atomic probe of dark matter differential interactions with subatomic particles

    Rosenzweig, Y., Kats, Y., Givon, M., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 1 Jul 2024, In: Physical Review D. 110, 1, 015015.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Can a Rock be a Wave? From 100 years of De-Broglie's Wave-Particle Duality to Quantum-Gravity SPIE paper number, 12912-148

    the Atom Chip Group, 1 Jan 2024, Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology II. Scheuer, J. & Shahriar, S. M. (eds.). SPIE, 1291212. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 12912).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • Robust Optical Clocks for International Timescales (ROCIT)

    Margolis, H. S., Godun, R. M., Huntemann, N., Le Targat, R., Pizzocaro, M., Zawada, M., Abgrall, M., Akamatsu, D., Álvarez Martínez, H., Amy-Klein, A., Andia, M., Benkler, E., Bhatt, N. M., Bilicki, S., Bize, S., Bober, M., Calonico, D., Cambier, V., Cantin, E. & Chardonnet, C. & 73 others, Cifuentes Marín, M., Clivati, C., Condio, S., Curtis, E. A., Czubla, A., DoleÅ3/4al, M., Dörscher, S., Dunst, P., Feng, C. H., Filzinger, M., Folman, R., Fordell, T., Formichella, V., Foucault, Y., Galleani, L., Goti, I., Groswasser, D., Gruszczyński, M., Guo, C., Hanhijärvi, K. J., Hausser, H. N., Hill, I. R., Hosaka, K., Johnson, M. Y. H., Keller, J., Klose, J., Kobayashi, T., Koke, S., Kovačić, D., Křen, P., Kuhl, A., Ledziński, A., Lemański, D., Levi, F., Lindvall, T., Lisdat, C., Liu, H., Lodewyck, J., Lopez, O., Lorini, L., Lours, M., Mašika, P., Mazouth-Laurol, M., Mehlstaubler, T. E., Moreno, W., Morzyński, P., NaroÅ1/4nik, M., Nawrocki, J., Nishiyama, A., Nogaś, P., Nordmann, T., Parsons, A. O., Pointard, B., Pottie, P. E., Risaro, M., Robertson, B. I., Romero González, J., Schioppo, M., Sesia, I., Shang, H., Signorile, G., Stahl, K., Steinel, M., Sterr, U., Suárez Ramírez, J., Tofful, A., Tønnes, M., Tran, A., Tunesi, J., Wallin, A. E., Waterholter, T., Zarei, M. & Zyskind, C., 1 Jan 2024, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2889, 1, 012022.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Universal limit on spatial quantum superpositions with massive objects due to phonons

    Henkel, C. & Folman, R., 1 Oct 2024, In: Physical Review A. 110, 4, 042221.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • What Can a GNOME Do? Search Targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics Searches

    Afach, S., Aybas Tumturk, D., Bekker, H., Buchler, B. C., Budker, D., Cervantes, K., Derevianko, A., Eby, J., Figueroa, N. L., Folman, R., Gavilán-Martín, D., Givon, M., Grujić, Z. D., Guo, H., Hamilton, P., Hedges, M. P., Jackson Kimball, D. F., Khamis, S., Kim, D. & Klinger, E. & 33 others, Kryemadhi, A., Liu, X., Łukasiewicz, G., Masia-Roig, H., Padniuk, M., Palm, C. A., Park, S. Y., Pearson, H. R., Peng, X., Pospelov, M., Pustelny, S., Rosenzweig, Y., Ruimi, O. M., Scholtes, T., Segura, P. C., Semertzidis, Y. K., Shin, Y. C., Smiga, J. A., Stadnik, Y. V., Stalnaker, J. E., Sulai, I. A., Tandon, D., Vu, K., Weis, A., Wickenbrock, A., Wilson, T. Z., Wu, T., Xiao, W., Yang, Y., Yu, D., Yu, F., Zhang, J. & Zhao, Y., 1 Jan 2024, In: Annalen der Physik. 536, 1, 2300083.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • 2023

    Countering a fundamental law of attraction with quantum wave-packet engineering

    Amit, G., Japha, Y., Shushi, T., Folman, R. & Cohen, E., 1 Jan 2023, In: Physical Review Research. 5, 1, 013150.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • Quantum Uncertainty Limit for Stern-Gerlach Interferometry with Massive Objects

    Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 17 Mar 2023, In: Physical Review Letters. 130, 11, 113602.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • 2022

    Anomalous periodicity in superpositions of localized periodic patterns

    Amit, O., Dobkowski, O., Zhou, Z., Margalit, Y., Japha, Y., Moukouri, S., Meir, Y., Horovitz, B. & Folman, R., 1 Jul 2022, In: New Journal of Physics. 24, 7, 073032.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Constructing nano-object quantum superpositions with a Stern-Gerlach interferometer

    Marshman, R. J., Mazumdar, A., Folman, R. & Bose, S., 1 Jun 2022, In: Physical Review Research. 4, 2, 023087.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    35 Scopus citations
  • Internal decoherence in nano-object interferometry due to phonons

    Henkel, C. & Folman, R., 1 Jun 2022, In: AVS Quantum Science. 4, 2, 025602.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    Large Splitting Massive Schrödinger Kittens

    Marshman, R. J., Mazumdar, A., Folman, R. & Bose, S., 2021, 8 p.

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint

    Open Access
    52 Downloads (Pure)
  • Multi-pass guided atomic Sagnac interferometer for high-performance rotation sensing

    Moukouri, S., Japha, Y., Keil, M., David, T., Groswasser, D., Givon, M. & Folman, R., 1 Jul 2021.

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint

    Open Access
    40 Downloads (Pure)
  • Observation of Anomalous Moiré Patterns

    Amit, O., Dobkowski, O., Zhou, Z., Margalit, Y., Japha, Y., Moukouri, S., Meir, Y., Horovitz, B. & Folman, R., 2021, 16 p.

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint

    Open Access
    45 Downloads (Pure)
  • Realization of a complete Stern-Gerlach interferometer: Toward a test of quantum gravity

    Margalit, Y., Dobkowski, O., Zhou, Z., Amit, O., Japha, Y., Moukouri, S., Rohrlich, D., Mazumdar, A., Bose, S., Henkel, C. & Folman, R., 1 May 2021, In: Science advances. 7, 22, eabg2879.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    69 Scopus citations
  • Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective

    Amico, L., Boshier, M., Birkl, G., Minguzzi, A., Miniatura, C., Kwek, L. C., Aghamalyan, D., Ahufinger, V., Anderson, D., Andrei, N., Arnold, A. S., Baker, M., Bell, T. A., Bland, T., Brantut, J. P., Cassettari, D., Chetcuti, W. J., Chevy, F., Citro, R. & De Palo, S. & 39 others, Dumke, R., Edwards, M., Folman, R., Fortagh, J., Gardiner, S. A., Garraway, B. M., Gauthier, G., Günther, A., Haug, T., Hufnagel, C., Keil, M., Ireland, P., Lebrat, M., Li, W., Longchambon, L., Mompart, J., Morsch, O., Naldesi, P., Neely, T. W., Olshanii, M., Orignac, E., Pandey, S., Pérez-Obiol, A., Perrin, H., Piroli, L., Polo, J., Pritchard, A. L., Proukakis, N. P., Rylands, C., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H., Scazza, F., Stringari, S., Tosto, F., Trombettoni, A., Victorin, N., Klitzing, W. V., Wilkowski, D., Xhani, K. & Yakimenko, A., 1 Sep 2021, In: AVS Quantum Science. 3, 3, 039201.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    118 Scopus citations
  • Stern-Gerlach interferometry with the atom chip

    Keil, M., Machluf, S., Margalit, Y., Zhou, Z., Amit, O., Dobkowski, O., Japha, Y., Moukouri, S., Rohrlich, D., Binstock, Z., Bar-Haim, Y., Givon, M., Groswasser, D., Meir, Y. & Folman, R., 20 Jun 2021, Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry: From Otto Stern's Pioneering Exploits to Present-Day Feat. Friedrich, B. & Schmidt-Böcking, H. (eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing, p. 263-301 39 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    An experimental test of the geodesic rule proposition for the noncyclic geometric phase

    Zhou, Z., Margalit, Y., Moukouri, S., Meir, Y. & Folman, R., 1 Jan 2020, In: Science advances. 6, 9, eaay8345.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    Analysis of a high-stability Stern-Gerlach spatial fringe interferometer

    Margalit, Y., Zhou, Z., Machluf, S., Japha, Y., Moukouri, S. & Folman, R., 23 Jul 2019, In: New Journal of Physics. 21, 7, 073040.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • Color Centers in Diamond as Novel Probes of Superconductivity

    Acosta, V. M., Bouchard, L. S., Budker, D., Folman, R., Lenz, T., Maletinsky, P., Rohner, D., Schlussel, Y. & Thiel, L., 1 Jan 2019, In: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 32, 1, p. 85-95 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    23 Scopus citations
  • Stern-Gerlach splitting of low-energy ion beams

    Henkel, C., Jacob, G., Stopp, F., Schmidt-Kaler, F., Keil, M., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 12 Aug 2019, In: New Journal of Physics. 21, 8, 083022.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • T3 Stern-Gerlach Matter-Wave Interferometer

    Amit, O., Margalit, Y., Dobkowski, O., Zhou, Z., Japha, Y., Zimmermann, M., Efremov, M. A., Narducci, F. A., Rasel, E. M., Schleich, W. P. & Folman, R., 21 Aug 2019, In: Physical Review Letters. 123, 8, 083601.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    Probing the origins of inhomogeneous broadening in nitrogen-vacancy centers with Doppler-free-type spectroscopy

    Rosenzweig, Y., Schlussel, Y. & Folman, R., 31 Jul 2018, In: Physical Review B. 98, 1, 014112.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Quantum complementarity of clocks in the context of general relativity

    Zhou, Z., Margalit, Y., Rohrlich, D., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 13 Aug 2018, In: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 35, 18, 185003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Survival of the fittest in the coherent evolution of quantum ensembles

    Liu, G., Be'Er, O., Margalit, Y., Givon, M., Groswasser, D., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 31 Jul 2018, In: Physical Review A. 98, 1, 013856.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Wide-Field Imaging of Superconductor Vortices with Electron Spins in Diamond

    Schlussel, Y., Lenz, T., Rohner, D., Bar-Haim, Y., Bougas, L., Groswasser, D., Kieschnick, M., Rozenberg, E., Thiel, L., Waxman, A., Meijer, J., Maletinsky, P., Budker, D. & Folman, R., 18 Sep 2018, In: Physical Review Applied. 10, 3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    42 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Investigation of two-frequency Paul traps for antihydrogen production

    Leefer, N., Krimmel, K., Bertsche, W., Budker, D., Fajans, J., Folman, R., Häffner, H. & Schmidt-Kaler, F., 1 Nov 2017, In: Hyperfine Interactions. 238, 1, 12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • Using a quantum work meter to test non-equilibrium fluctuation theorems

    Cerisola, F., Margalit, Y., MacHluf, S., Roncaglia, A. J., Paz, J. P. & Folman, R., 1 Dec 2017, In: Nature Communications. 8, 1, 1241.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    69 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    Fifteen years of cold matter on the atom chip: promise, realizations, and prospects

    Keil, M., Amit, O., Zhou, S., Groswasser, D., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 10 Oct 2016, In: Journal of Modern Optics. 63, 18, p. 1840-1885 46 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    111 Scopus citations
  • Robust spatial coherence 5 μ m from a room-temperature atom chip

    Zhou, S., Groswasser, D., Keil, M., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 13 Jun 2016, In: Physical Review A. 93, 6, 063615.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Suppression and enhancement of decoherence in an atomic Josephson junction

    Japha, Y., Zhou, S., Keil, M., Folman, R., Henkel, C. & Vardi, A., 1 May 2016, In: New Journal of Physics. 18, 5, 055008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    A self-interfering clock as a "which path" witness

    Margalit, Y., Zhou, Z., Machluf, S., Rohrlich, D., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 11 Sep 2015, In: Science. 349, 6253, p. 1205-1208 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    69 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Diamond magnetometry of superconducting thin films

    Waxman, A., Schlussel, Y., Groswasser, D., Acosta, V. M., Bouchard, L. S., Budker, D. & Folman, R., 18 Feb 2014, In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89, 5, 054509.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    35 Scopus citations
  • Erratum: Phase space tomography of cold-atom dynamics in a weakly corrugated potential (Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2014) 90 (033620))

    Zhou, S., Chabé, J., Salem, R., David, T., Groswasser, D., Keil, M., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 26 Sep 2014, In: Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 90, 3, 039902.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

    Open Access
  • Microwave saturation spectroscopy of nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond

    Kehayias, P., Mrózek, M., Acosta, V. M., Jarmola, A., Rudnicki, D. S., Folman, R., Gawlik, W. & Budker, D., 3 Jun 2014, In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89, 24, 245202.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    41 Scopus citations
  • Phase space tomography of cold-atom dynamics in a weakly corrugated potential

    Zhou, S., Chabé, J., Salem, R., David, T., Groswasser, D., Keil, M., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 18 Sep 2014, In: Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 90, 3, 033620.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    Coherent Stern-Gerlach momentum splitting on an atom chip

    MacHluf, S., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 9 Sep 2013, In: Nature Communications. 4, 2424.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    80 Scopus citations
  • Damping of local Rabi oscillations in the presence of thermal motion

    Daniel, A., Agou, R., Amit, O., Groswasser, D., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 4 Jun 2013, In: Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 87, 6, 063402.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Electroweak measurements in electron-positron collisions at W-boson-pair energies at LEP

    Schael, S., Barate, R., Brunelière, R., Buskulic, D., De Bonis, I., Decamp, D., Ghez, P., Goy, C., Jézéquel, S., Lees, J. P., Lucotte, A., Martin, F., Merle, E., Minard, M. N., Nief, J. Y., Odier, P., Pietrzyk, B., Trocmé, B., Bravo, S. & Casado, M. P. & 1,606 others, Chmeissani, M., Comas, P., Crespo, J. M., Fernandez, E., Fernandez-Bosman, M., Garrido, L., Grauges, E., Juste, A., Martinez, M., Merino, G., Miquel, R., Mir, L. M., Orteu, S., Pacheco, A., Park, I. C., Perlas, J., Riu, I., Ruiz, H., Sanchez, F., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., De Filippis, N., de Palma, M., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Nuzzo, S., Ranieri, A., Raso, G., Ruggieri, F., Selvaggi, G., Silvestris, L., Tempesta, P., Tricomi, A., Zito, G., Huang, X., Lin, J., Ouyang, Q., Wang, T., Xie, Y., Xu, R., Xue, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, W., Abbaneo, D., Bazarko, A., Becker, U., Boix, G., Bird, F., Blucher, E., Bonvicini, B., Bright-Thomas, P., Barklow, T., Buchmüller, O., Cattaneo, M., Cerutti, F., Ciulli, V., Clerbaux, B., Drevermann, H., Forty, R. W., Frank, M., Greening, T. C., Hagelberg, R., Halley, A. W., Gianotti, F., Girone, M., Hansen, J. B., Harvey, J., Jacobsen, R., Hutchcroft, D. E., Janot, P., Jost, B., Knobloch, J., Kado, M., Lehraus, I., Lazeyras, P., Maley, P., Mato, P., May, J., Moutoussi, A., Pepe-Altarelli, M., Ranjard, F., Rolandi, L., Schlatter, D., Schmitt, B., Schneider, O., Tejessy, W., Teubert, F., Tomalin, I. R., Tournefier, E., Veenhof, R., Valassi, A., Wiedenmann, W., Wright, A. E., Ajaltouni, Z., Badaud, F., Chazelle, G., Deschamps, O., Dessagne, S., Falvard, A., Ferdi, C., Fayolle, D., Gay, P., Guicheney, C., Henrard, P., Jousset, J., Michel, B., Monteil, S., Montret, J. C., Pallin, D., Pascolo, J. M., Perret, P., Podlyski, F., Bertelsen, H., Fernley, T., Hansen, J. D., Hansen, J. R., Hansen, P. H., Kraan, A. C., Lindahl, A., Mollerud, R., Nilsson, B. S., Rensch, B., Waananen, A., Daskalakis, G., Kyriakis, A., Markou, C., Simopoulou, E., Siotis, I., Vayaki, A., Zachariadou, K., Blondel, A., Bonneaud, G., Brient, J. C., Machefert, F., Rougé, A., Rumpf, M., Swynghedauw, M., Tanaka, R., Verderi, M., Videau, H., Focardi, E., Parrini, G., Corden, M., Georgiopoulos, C., Antonelli, A., Antonelli, M., Bencivenni, G., Bologna, G., Bossi, F., Campana, P., Capon, G., Chiarella, V., Felici, G., Laurelli, P., Mannocchi, G., Murtas, G. P., Passalacqua, L., Picchi, P., Colrain, P., ten Have, I., Hughes, I. S., Kennedy, J., Knowles, I. G., Lynch, J. G., Morton, W. T., Negus, P., O'Shea, V., Raine, C., Reeves, P., Scarr, J. M., Smith, K., Thompson, A. S., Turnbull, R. M., Wasserbaech, S., Cavanaugh, R., Dhamotharan, S., Geweniger, C., Hanke, P., Hansper, G., Hepp, V., Kluge, E. E., Putzer, A., Sommer, J., Stenzel, H., Tittel, K., Werner, W., Wunsch, M., Beuselinck, R., Binnie, D. M., Cameron, W., Davies, G., Dornan, P. J., Goodsir, S., Marinelli, N., Martin, E. B., Nash, J., Nowell, J., Rutherford, S. A., Sedgbeer, J. K., Thompson, J. C., White, R., Williams, M. D., Ghete, V. M., Girtler, P., Kneringer, E., Kuhn, D., Rudolph, G., Bouhova-Thacker, E., Bowdery, C. K., Buck, P. G., Clarke, D. P., Ellis, G., Finch, A. J., Foster, F., Hughes, G., Jones, R. W. L., Keemer, N. R., Pearson, M. R., Robertson, N. A., Sloan, T., Smizanska, M., Snow, S. W., Williams, M. I., van der Aa, O., Delaere, C., Leibenguth, G., Lemaitre, V., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Blumenschein, U., van Gemmeren, P., Giehl, I., Hölldorfer, F., Jakobs, K., Kasemann, M., Kayser, F., Kleinknecht, K., Müller, A. S., Quast, G., Renk, B., Rohne, E., Sander, H. G., Schmeling, S., Wachsmuth, H., Wanke, R., Zeitnitz, C., Ziegler, T., Aubert, J. J., Benchouk, C., Bonissent, A., Carr, J., Coyle, P., Curtil, C., Ealet, A., Etienne, F., Fouchez, D., Motsch, F., Payre, P., Rousseau, D., Tilquin, A., Talby, M., Thulasidas, M., Aleppo, M., Ragusa, F., Büscher, V., David, A., Dietl, H., Ganis, G., Hüttmann, K., Lütjens, G., Mannert, C., Männer, W., Moser, H. G., Settles, R., Seywerd, H., Villegas, M., Wolf, G., Azzurri, P., Boucrot, J., Callot, O., Chen, S., Cordier, A., Davier, M., Duflot, L., Grivaz, J. F., Heusse, P., Jacholkowska, A., Le Diberder, F., Lefrançois, J., Mutz, A. M., Schune, M. H., Serin, L., Veillet, J. J., Videau, I., Zerwas, D., Bagliesi, G., Bettarini, S., Boccali, T., Bozzi, C., Calderini, G., Dell'Orso, R., Fantechi, R., Ferrante, I., Fidecaro, F., Foà, L., Giammanco, A., Giassi, A., Gregorio, A., Ligabue, F., Lusiani, A., Marrocchesi, P. S., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzo, G., Sanguinetti, G., Sciabà, A., Sguazzoni, G., Spagnolo, P., Steinberger, J., Tenchini, R., Vannini, C., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Awunor, O., Blair, G. A., Cowan, G., Garcia-Bellido, A., Green, M. G., Medcalf, T., Misiejuk, A., Strong, J. A., Teixeira-Dias, P., Botterill, D. R., Clifft, R. W., Edgecock, T. R., Edwards, M., Haywood, S. J., Norton, P. R., Ward, J. J., Bloch-Devaux, B., Boumediene, D., Colas, P., Emery, S., Fabbro, B., Kozanecki, W., Lançon, E., Lemaire, M. C., Locci, E., Perez, P., Rander, J., Renardy, J. F., Roussarie, A., Schuller, J. P., Schwindling, J., Tuchming, B., Vallage, B., Black, S. N., Dann, J. H., Kim, H. Y., Konstantinidis, N., Litke, A. M., McNeil, M. A., Taylor, G., Booth, C. N., Cartwright, S., Combley, F., Hodgson, P. N., Lehto, M., Thompson, L. F., Affholderbach, K., Barberio, E., Böhrer, A., Brandt, S., Burkhardt, H., Feigl, E., Grupen, C., Hess, J., Lutters, G., Meinhard, H., Minguet-Rodriguez, J., Mirabito, L., Neugebauer, E., Ngac, A., Prange, G., Rivera, F., Saraiva, P., Schäfer, U., Sieler, U., Smolik, L., Stephan, F., Trier, H., Apollonio, M., Borean, C., Bosisio, L., Della Marina, R., Giannini, G., Gobbo, B., Musolino, G., Pitis, L., He, H., Kim, H., Putz, J., Rothberg, J., Armstrong, S. R., Bellantoni, L., Berkelman, K., Cinabro, D., Conway, J. S., Cranmer, K., Elmer, P., Feng, Z., Ferguson, D. P. S., Gao, Y., González, S., Grahl, J., Harton, J. L., Hayes, O. J., Hu, H., Jin, S., Johnson, R. P., Kile, J., McNamara, P. A., Nielsen, J., Orejudos, W., Pan, Y. B., Saadi, Y., Scott, I. J., Sharma, V., Walsh, A. M., Walsh, J., Wear, J., von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J. H., Wu, J., Wu, S. L., Wu, X., Yamartino, J. M., Zobernig, G., Dissertori, G., Abdallah, J., Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adzic, P., Albrecht, T., Alemany-Fernandez, R., Allmendinger, T., Allport, P. P., Amaldi, U., Amapane, N., Amato, S., Anashkin, E., Andreazza, A., Andringa, S., Anjos, N., Antilogus, P., Apel, W. D., Arnoud, Y., Ask, S., Asman, B., Augustin, J. E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Ballestrero, A., Bambade, P., Barbier, R., Bardin, D., Barker, G. J., Baroncelli, A., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K. H., Begalli, M., Behrmann, A., Belous, K., Ben-Haim, E., Benekos, N., Benvenuti, A., Berat, C., Berggren, M., Berntzon, L., Bertrand, D., Besancon, M., Besson, N., Bloch, D., Blom, M., Bluj, M., Bonesini, M., Boonekamp, M., Booth, P. S. L., Borisov, G., Botner, O., Bouquet, B., Bowcock, T. J. V., Boyko, I., Bracko, M., Brenner, R., Brodet, E., Bruckman, P., Brunet, J. M., Bugge, L., Buschbeck, B., Buschmann, P., Calvi, M., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Carena, F., Castro, N., Cavallo, F., Chapkin, M., Charpentier, P., Checchia, P., Chierici, R., Chliapnikov, P., Chudoba, J., Cieslik, K., Collins, P., Contri, R., Cosme, G., Cossutti, F., Costa, M. J., Crawley, B., Crennell, D., Cuevas, J., D'Hondt, J., Dalmau, J., da Silva, T., Da Silva, W., Della Ricca, G., De Angelis, A., De Boer, W., De Clercq, C., De Lotto, B., De Maria, N., De Min, A., de Paula, L., Di Ciaccio, L., Di Simone, A., Doroba, K., Drees, J., Dris, M., Duperrin, A., Eigen, G., Ekelof, T., Ellert, M., Elsing, M., Espirito Santo, M. 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J., Kluit, P., Kokkinias, P., Kostioukhine, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kouznetsov, O., Krumstein, Z., Kucharczyk, M., Lamsa, J., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leinonen, L., Leitner, R., Lemonne, J., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Libby, J., Liebig, W., Liko, D., Lipniacka, A., Lopes, J. H., Lopez, J. M., Loukas, D., Lutz, P., Lyons, L., MacNaughton, J., Malek, A., Maltezos, S., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Marco, R., Marechal, B., Margoni, M., Marin, J. C., Mariotti, C., Markou, A., Martinez-Rivero, C., Masik, J., Mastroyiannopoulos, N., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Mazzucato, F., Mazzucato, M., Mc Nulty, R., Meroni, C., Meyer, W. T., Migliore, E., Mitaroff, W., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moch, M., Moenig, K., Monge, R., Montenegro, J., Moraes, D., Morettini, P., Mueller, U., Muenich, K., Mulders, M., Mundim, L., Murray, W., Muryn, B., Myatt, G., Myklebust, T., Nassiakou, M., Navarria, F., Nawrocki, K., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nikolaenko, V., Nikolenko, M., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Olshevski, A., Onofre, A., Orava, R., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Oyanguren, A., Paganoni, M., Paiano, S., Palacios, J. P., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T. D., Pape, L., Parkes, C., Parodi, F., Parzefall, U., Passeri, A., Passon, O., Perepelitsa, V., Perrotta, A., Petrolini, A., Piedra, J., Pieri, L., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Podobnik, T., Poireau, V., Pol, M. E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdniakov, V., Pukhaeva, N., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Rames, J., Ramler, L., Read, A., Rebecchi, P., Rehn, J., Reid, D., Reinhardt, R., Renton, P., Richard, F., Ridky, J., Ripp-Baudot, I., Rivero, M., Rodriguez, D., Romero, A., Ronchese, P., Rosenberg, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ryabtchikov, D., Sadovsky, A., Salmi, L., Salt, J., Sander, C., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwickerath, U., Segar, A., Sekulin, R., Siebel, M., Simard, L., Sisakian, A., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O., Sokolov, A., Sopczak, A., Sosnowski, R., Spassov, T., Stanitzki, M., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szumlak, T., Tabarelli, T., Taffard, A. C., Tegenfeldt, F., Terranova, F., Thomas, J., Timmermans, J., Tkatchev, L., Tobin, M., Todorovova, S., Tomé, B., Tonazzo, A., Tortosa, P., Travnicek, P., Treille, D., Tristram, G., Trochimczuk, M., Troncon, C., Turluer, M. L., Tyapkin, I. A., Tyapkin, P., Tzamarias, S., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Van Dam, P., Van Eldik, J., Van Lysebetten, A., van Remortel, N., Van Vulpen, I., Vegni, G., Veloso, F., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verdier, P., Verzi, V., Vilanova, D., Vitale, L., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Washbrook, A. J., Weiser, C., Wicke, D., Wickens, J., Wilkinson, G., Winter, M., Witek, M., Yushchenko, O., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zavrtanik, D., Zhuravlov, V., Zimin, N. I., Zintchenko, A., Zupan, M., Achard, P., Adriani, O., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, J., Alemanni, G., Allaby, J., Aloisio, A., Alviggi, M. G., Anderhub, H., Andreev, V. P., Anselmo, F., Arefiev, A., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Bagnaia, P., Bajo, A., Baksay, G., Baksay, L., Baldew, S. V., Banerjee, S., Barczyk, A., Barillère, R., Bartalini, P., Basile, M., Batalova, N., Battiston, R., Bay, A., Behner, F., Bellucci, L., Berbeco, R., Berdugo, J., Berges, P., Bertucci, B., Betev, B. L., Biasini, M., Biglietti, M., Biland, A., Blaising, J. J., Blyth, S. C., Bobbink, G. J., Böhm, A., Boldizsar, L., Borgia, B., Bottai, S., Bourilkov, D., Bourquin, M., Braccini, S., Branson, J. G., Brochu, F., Burger, J. D., Burger, W. J., Cai, X. D., Capell, M., Cara Romeo, G., Carlino, G., Cartacci, A., Casaus, J., Cavallari, F., Cavallo, N., Cecchi, C., Cerrada, M., Chamizo, M., Chang, Y. H., Chemarin, M., Chen, A., Chen, G., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. F., Chen, H. S., Chiefari, G., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Clare, I., Clare, R., Coignet, G., Colino, N., Costantini, S., de la Cruz, B., Cucciarelli, S., de Asmundis, R., Déglon, P., Debreczeni, J., Degré, A., Dehmelt, K., Deiters, K., della Volpe, D., Delmeire, E., Denes, P., DeNotaristefani, F., De Salvo, A., Diemoz, M., Dierckxsens, M., Dionisi, C., Dittmar, M., Doria, A., Dova, M. T., Duchesneau, D., Duda, M., Echenard, B., Eline, A., El Hage, A., El Mamouni, H., Engler, A., Eppling, F. J., Extermann, P., Falagan, M. A., Falciano, S., Favara, A., Fay, J., Fedin, O., Felcini, M., Ferguson, T., Fesefeldt, H., Fiandrini, E., Field, J. H., Filthaut, F., Fisher, P. H., Fisher, W., Forconi, G., Freudenreich, K., Furetta, C., Galaktionov, Y., Ganguli, S. N., Garcia-Abia, P., Gataullin, M., Gentile, S., Giagu, S., Gong, Z. F., Grenier, G., Grimm, O., Gruenewald, M. W., Gupta, V. K., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L. J., Haas, D., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hebbeker, T., Hervé, A., Hirschfelder, J., Hofer, H., Hohlmann, M., Holzner, G., Hou, S. R., Jin, B. N., Jindal, P., Jones, L. W., de Jong, P., Josa-Mutuberría, I., Kaur, M., Kienzle-Focacci, M. N., Kim, J. K., Kirkby, J., Kittel, W., Klimentov, A., König, A. C., Kopal, M., Koutsenko, V., Kräber, M., Kraemer, R. W., Krüger, A., Kunin, A., de Guevara, P. L., Laktineh, I., Landi, G., Lebeau, M., Lebedev, A., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Le Coultre, P., Le Goff, J. M., Leiste, R., Levtchenko, M., Levtchenko, P., Li, C., Likhoded, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, W. T., Linde, F. L., Lista, L., Liu, Z. A., Lohmann, W., Longo, E., Lu, Y. S., Luci, C., Luminari, L., Lustermann, W., Ma, W. G., Malgeri, L., Malinin, A., Maña, C., Mans, J., Martin, J. P., Marzano, F., Mazumdar, K., McNeil, R. R., Mele, S., Merola, L., Meschini, M., Metzger, W. J., Mihul, A., Milcent, H., Mirabelli, G., Mnich, J., Mohanty, G. B., Muanza, G. S., Muijs, A. J. M., Musy, M., Nagy, S., Natale, S., Napolitano, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Newman, H., Nisati, A., Novak, T., Nowak, H., Ofierzynski, R., Organtini, G., Pal, I., Palomares, C., Paolucci, P., Paramatti, R., Passaleva, G., Patricelli, S., Paul, T., Pauluzzi, M., Paus, C., Pauss, F., Pedace, M., Pensotti, S., Perret-Gallix, D., Piccolo, D., Pierella, F., Pieri, M., Pioppi, M., Piroué, P. A., Pistolesi, E., Plyaskin, V., Pohl, M., Pojidaev, V., Pothier, J., Prokofiev, D., Rahal-Callot, G., Rahaman, M. A., Raics, P., Raja, N., Ramelli, R., Rancoita, P. G., Ranieri, R., Raspereza, A., Razis, P., Rembeczki, S., Ren, D., Rescigno, M., Reucroft, S., Riemann, S., Riles, K., Roe, B. P., Romero, L., Rosca, A., Rosemann, C., Rosenbleck, C., Rosier-Lees, S., Roth, S., Rubio, J. A., Ruggiero, G., Rykaczewski, H., Sakharov, A., Saremi, S., Sarkar, S., Salicio, J., Sanchez, E., Schäfer, C., Schegelsky, V., Schopper, H., Schotanus, D. J., Sciacca, C., Servoli, L., Shevchenko, S., Shivarov, N., Shoutko, V., Shumilov, E., Shvorob, A., Son, D., Souga, C., Spillantini, P., Steuer, M., Stickland, D. P., Stoyanov, B., Straessner, A., Sudhakar, K., Sultanov, G., Sun, L. Z., Sushkov, S., Suter, H., Swain, J. D., Szillasi, Z., Tang, X. W., Tarjan, P., Tauscher, L., Taylor, L., Tellili, B., Teyssier, D., Timmermans, C., Ting, S. C. C., Ting, S. M., Tonwar, S. C., Tóth, J., Tully, C., Tung, K. L., Ulbricht, J., Valente, E., Van de Walle, R. 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    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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    445 Scopus citations
  • Magic frequencies in atom-light interaction for precision probing of the density matrix

    Givon, M., Margalit, Y., Waxman, A., David, T., Groswasser, D., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 1 Aug 2013, In: Physical Review Letters. 111, 5, 053004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    3 Scopus citations
  • On the possibility of a relativistic correction to the E and B fields around a current-carrying wire

    Folman, R., 1 Jan 2013, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 437, 1, 012013.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Stern-gerlach interferometer on an atom chip

    Machluf, S., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 1 Dec 2013, International Quantum Electronics Conference, IQEC 2013. (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • Stern-Gerlach interferometer on an atom chip

    Machluf, S., Japha, Y. & Folman, R., 1 Jan 2013.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  • 2012

    Two-particle quantum transmission

    Folman, R., 1 Dec 2012, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging X. 85180H. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 8518).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2011


    Ron, F. (Inventor), Tal, D. (Inventor), Yonathan, J. (Inventor) & Valery, D. (Inventor), 30 Nov 2011, Patent No. IL189283, Priority date 31 Aug 2007, Priority No. US20070969218P

    Research output: Patent

  • Atom Chip Fabrication

    Folman, R., Treutlein, P. & Schmiedmayer, J., 14 Feb 2011, Atom Chip Fabrication. Wiley-VCH, p. 61-118 58 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Designing spin-spin interactions with one and two dimensional ion crystals in planar micro traps

    Welzel, J., Bautista-Salvador, A., Abarbanel, C., Wineman-Fisher, V., Wunderlich, C., Folman, R. & Schmidt-Kaler, F., 1 Jan 2011, In: European Physical Journal D. 65, 1-2, p. 285-297 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    33 Scopus citations
  • Material science for quantum computing with atom chips

    Folman, R., 1 Dec 2011, In: Quantum Information Processing. 10, 6, p. 995-1036 42 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • Qubit from the editor

    Folman, R., 1 Dec 2011, In: Quantum Information Processing. 10, 6, p. 719-720 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Speedy neutrinos

    Perkins, D., Folman, R. & Recami, E., 1 Dec 2011, In: Physics World. 24, 12, p. 20-21

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review