30th Goldschmidt Conference – Geochemistry and Society Special Sessions

Project Details


Part 1

The Earth, environmental and space sciences (EESS) depend on growing international teams, collaboration, diverse research groups, and open, interoperable data. As a celebration of the 30th Goldschmidt conference at Goldschmidt 2020, Theme 15 'Geochemistry and Society' will focus on core topics of interest to all delegates across the disciplines, with emphasis on issues relevant to society and related to the location of the conference (Hawaii and the Pacific Rim). This Theme will explore the future of our science—the major scientific and social challenges, the growing connections with society, human and environmental health, and what workforce is needed to engage and address these opportunities in the future. Career advancement, incentives, and rewards could be better aligned to support workforce needs, as could efforts to enhance diversity, inclusiveness and participation in (and awareness of) EESS in many regions of the world. This travel grant will support key invited experts who would traditionally not participate in the conference.

Part 2

Theme 15 (Geochemistry and Society) at Goldschmidt 2020 is about the future of our planet and how we live on it, the solar system beyond, our science, and our involvement in society, from a geochemical perspective. The Theme will focus on 5 topics of interest (1) Geochemistry and GeoHazards, (2) Origin of Life on Earth and Beyond, (3) Future of Land and Sea in the Face of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss, (4) Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences, and (5) Teaching and Communicating Science in the Age of Social Media. A diverse set of speakers are sought to help address all topics with particular emphasis on topics 1, 4 and 5. These are topics highly relevant to society and early career geoscientists are poised to assist in the solution creation for issues and questions related to these topics. Career advancement, incentives, and rewards could be better aligned to support related geoscience workforce needs, as could efforts to enhance diversity, inclusiveness and participation in (and awareness of) EESS in many regions of the world. The talks will be open to the general public and invitee high school and college students from under represented groups will be invited to participate. The talks will be recorded and available to the public.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date1/05/2031/08/22


  • National Science Foundation


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