Project Details
This award is funded in whole or in part under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2).Atmospheric, climate, ocean, earth and environmental sciences (geosciences) are among the least diverse fields in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), with Latinx scientists being significantly underrepresented. A lack of diversity in STEM fields means decreased ability to identify and solve critical issues facing society such as climate change, which disproportionately affects the populations that are least represented in STEM. Data literacy is gaining increasing relevance and importance to scientists and the general public as we aim to make informed decisions to solve locally and globally relevant problems. DIG CAMP (Data in Geosciences: Collaboration and Mentoring Program—Teaming Latinx High School and College Students for Data Use in Geosciences) offers a camp-based model to support engagement with geosciences, as well as data literacy. During this project and through its sustainability plan, DIG CAMP provides opportunities for Latinx high school students to engage with authentic and locally relevant geosciences research and data; gain geosciences content knowledge; build their data literacy, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration skills; strengthen their identities to do science; and increase the likelihood that they will pursue academic or workplace careers in the geosciences.DIG CAMP - Data in Geosciences: Collaboration and Mentoring Program—Teaming Latinx High School and College Students for Data Use in Geosciences will broaden participation in the geosciences among communities of color by developing a research-based model for overcoming long standing barriers and biases within the field. The goals of this project are to: (1) design and implement a complementary suite of informal learning experiences to actively recruit Latinx high school students into the geosciences by increasing their engagement, capacity building, and opportunities for continuity in the discipline; (2) provide Latinx undergraduate geosciences majors with meaningful outreach and mentoring opportunities that engage them with communities, and increase their retention in geosciences fields of study and careers; and, (3) support high school students and their undergraduate mentors to build science and data literacy skills and engage with locally relevant geosciences research data to increase their efficacy and success in college and the geosciences workforce.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/10/21 → 31/12/24 |
Links | |
- National Science Foundation
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