"דברי שלום" או "חיי מוהר"ש": חיבור סטירי מגנזי יוסף וייס

Translated title of the contribution: "Divrei Shalom" or "Hayei Moharash": Satiric Manuscripts From the Joseph Weiss Archives

נעם זדוף, יונתן מאיר

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article presents a collection of satiric fragments written by Joseph Weiss concerning academic life in Jerusalem of the 1940s and 1950s. More specifically, they deal with Gershom Scholem and his relations with those surrounding him. Weiss's satiric texts are provided with critical notes. Moreover, an introduction describes the way in which these texts came to Jerusalem, as well as the literary genre to which they belong.
Translated title of the contribution"Divrei Shalom" or "Hayei Moharash": Satiric Manuscripts From the Joseph Weiss Archives
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)384-365
Number of pages20
Journalמחקרי ירושלים במחשבת ישראל
StatePublished - 2007


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