החינוך המדעי-טכנולוגי כמוקד התחדשות של בית-הספר הערבי-דרוזי בישראל

משה ברק, רחל פלג, משה אברהמי

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Twenty years ago, research found the Arab village schools enmeshed in a traditional society facing processes of change and modernization. Conflict regarding the schools status in society was compounded with criticism of outdated teaching methods, lack of democracy and poor physical conditions. The present research examined the processes of improving science-technology education in an Arab-Druze comprehensive school in Northern Israel. This school is experiencing rapid change in the learning environment by introducing new labs for science, technology and computers to replace carpentry, metalwork, sewing and cookery workshops. The laboratory activity establishes closer relationships and personal contact between the teachers and pupils. However, with the transition from 9th to 10th grade, only excellent pupils in mathematics, science-technology and English are enrolled in the matriculation classes. In order to enlarge the circle of pupils studying high-level science and technology at high school, it is necessary to improve the standard of all these subjects from 7th through 12th grade. Science and technology studies represent a major focal point for the school's renewal, and their conflict with community custom is decreasing in importance. The new conflict is at the organizational-managerial level: long-term and interdisciplinary planning, strengthening teachers' teamwork under the Principal's leadership. Cooperation between the school and an academic body may accelerate these processes, when the goals are agreed and the program is not imported into the school from an external source as a single entity.
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)51-76
Number of pages26
Journalעיונים בחינוך: כתב עת לעיון ומחקר בחינוך
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2000

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