התמודדות מורים בחינוך הרגיל עם שילוב תלמידים עם צרכים מיוחדים בכיתתם: השוואה בין מורים מזרמי החינוך השונים

Translated title of the contribution: Teachers' coping with integrated classes that include special-needs children: a comparison between teachers in different education sectors

עידית גליקו, ארנה בראון-לבינסון

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The aim of this study was to explore the situation of teachers working with special-needs children who are integrated in regular classes without any aids.More specifically the differences in the coping resources of the sectors, the sense of coherence, the sense of personal school coherence and coping patterns were examined and the teachers’ degree of job satisfaction were reported.Six-hundred and thirty-seven teachers completed self-report questionnaires including the Sense of Coherence questionnaire, an adapted version of the Sense of School Coherence questionnaire, the COPE questionnaire and the Employee Satisfaction Inventory questionnaire.Results showed no significant differences between teachers from different sectors in most coping strategies. However, job satisfaction was significantly higher among teachers in the religious and ultra-Orthodox schools compared to those in the secular schools. Furthermore, significant positive relationships were found between sense of coherence, sense of school coherence, adaptive coping,and job satisfaction, and a negative correlation was found between maladaptive coping and job satisfaction.The results are discussed in the context of the unique sectors of society in which the teachers work and based on Lazarus and Folk man’s stress and coping theory and Salutogenic model. Additionally, practical recommendations based on the conclusions of this study are provided
Translated title of the contributionTeachers' coping with integrated classes that include special-needs children: a comparison between teachers in different education sectors
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)93-118
Number of pages26
Journalמפגש לעבודה חינוכית-סוציאלית
Issue number54
StatePublished - 2022


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