שיש במקום פלוני = שבמקום פלוני: מבנה ארמי "מאוחר" בתעודות מימי בר כוכבא: והערה של דוד טלשיר

Translated title of the contribution: The Use of שיש ב- 'Which Is In...' - An Aramaism in the Bar Kokhba Documents

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Expressions such as שיש בעיר נחש 'which is in 'Ir Naḥaš' occur three times in the Bar Kokhba documents. This usage is not found in other early Hebrew texts, but is frequent in some Aramaic works. Thus the Palestinian Targum published by P. Kahle frequently employs דאית in expressions of place, e.g., המים אשר ביאר (Exod. 7:20): מיא דאית בנהרא. It is therefore suggested that this usage be considered an Aramaism, even though the attestations in Hebrew predate the Aramaic ones.

Translated title of the contributionThe Use of שיש ב- 'Which Is In...' - An Aramaism in the Bar Kokhba Documents
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)313-315
Journalלשוננו: כתב-עת לחקר הלשון העברית והתחומים הסמוכים לה
Issue numberד
StatePublished - 1994


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