שלוש הערות לנוסחה של מגילת-המקדש

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The article contains three proposals for new readings in the Temple Scroll. 1) For page 21, line 7, the author suggests the reading '[אחר יאוכ]ל[ו]כול ענבים ובוסר' or: '[אחר יחלו]ל[א]כול ענבים ובוסר' According to this reading the scroll rules that on the festival of the new wine (ביכורי התירוש), after partaking of the shelamim sacrifices, the new wine is drunk and the new grapes are to be eaten, including unripened grapes (בוסר) which nevertheless fall under the category of grapes. This statement runs parallel to the scroll's pronouncements regarding the new wheat and olives, whose first yields are also eaten in special ceremonies. It was this ceremony that released the new crops for eating. 2) On page 35, line 13—14, the author suggests reading אלי אשמות, 'rams of guilt-offering'. This reading encounters no linguistic difficulties (as opposed to the reading אלו) and fits the context. 3) On page 61, line 2, the author proposes reading (איך=) היך. This form is found in both the Hebrew and Aramaic of the Second Temple period.

Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)135-137
Number of pages3
Journalתרביץ: רבעון למדעי היהדות
Issue numberא
StatePublished - 1981

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