Accumulating automata and cascaded equations automata for non interactive and perennial secure multy-party computation

Shlomo Dolev (Inventor), Ximing Li (Inventor), Niv Gilboa (Inventor), Ximing Li (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of securely executing practically unbounded input stream of symbols, by non-interactive, multi-party computation, according to which the input stream is distributed among a plurality of parties, which do not communicate among themselves throughout execution, by a dealer with a secret initial state. The dealer distributes shares of the secret state between the parties. The input stream is executed by a finite-state automaton which may be an accumulating automaton with accumulating nodes or an automaton that is defined by a series of cascaded equations. During any execution stage, the input stream and the current state of the original automaton are concealed from any coalition of participants being smaller than a given threshold. Upon receiving a signal from the dealer, the parties terminate the execution and submit their internal state to the dealer, which computes the current state that defines the computation result.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2016149866
IPCH04L 12/ 58 A I
Priority date23/04/14
StatePublished - 26 May 2016


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