Adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix: A study of 37 cases

Benjamin Piura, Ram Dgani, Ilana Yanai-Inbar, Yoram Cohen, Marek Glezerman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations


    In a study of 37 patients diagnosed with cervical adenocarcinoma between 1961 and 1994, clinical and pathologic findings were evaluated. Of the 37 patients, 27 (73%) had a pure adenocarcinoma, five (13.5%) had a collision tumor and five (13.5%) had an adenosquamous carcinoma. Twenty-six patients (70.3%) were diagnosed in Stage I, and II (29.7%) patients in Stage II, III, and IV. Two patients (5.4%) were treated with simple hysterectomy alone, nine (24.3%) with simple hysterectomy followed by radiotherapy, eight (21.6%) with radical hysterectomy alone, five (13.5%) with radical hysterectomy followed by radiotherapy, nine (24.3%) with radiotherapy alone, one (2.7%) with radiotherapy followed by simple hysterectomy, and three (8.1%) received no treatment. The actuarial 5-year survival rate was 69%. It is suggested that for patients with small early-stage disease, radical hysterectomy should be primary treatment and postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy would be advocated if high-risk features are histologically demonstrated. For all other patients, radiotherapy should be primary treatment.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)249-255
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Surgical Oncology
    Issue number4
    StatePublished - 1 Apr 1996


    • high-risk histologic features
    • ovarian conservation
    • radical hysterectomy
    • radiotherapy
    • simple hysterectomy
    • vaginal bleeding

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Surgery
    • Oncology


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