Alpha-beta monitoring system based on pair of simultaneous Multi-Wire Proportional Counters

U. Wengrowicz, D. Amidan, I. Orion

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A new approach for a simultaneous alpha-beta Multi-wire Proportional Counter (MWPC) is presented. The popular approach for alpha-beta monitoring systems consists of a large area MWPC using noble gas flow such as Argon Methane. This method of measurement is effective but requires large-scale and expensive maintenance due to the needs of gas flow control and periodic replacements. In this work, a pair of simultaneous MWPCs for alpha-beta measuring is presented. The developed detector consists of a sealed gas MWPC sensor for beta particles, behind a free air alpha sensor. This approach allows effective simultaneous detection and discrimination of both alpha and beta radiation without the maintenance cost noble gas flow required for unsealed detectors.


  • Alpha-beta detection
  • MWPC Multi-Wire Proportional Counter
  • Monte Carlo

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Instrumentation


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