Michael Adel (Inventor), Walter D Mieher (Inventor), Mark Ghinovker (Inventor), Michael Adel (Inventor), Walter D Mieher (Inventor), Ibrahim Abdulhalim (Inventor), Ady Levy (Inventor), Michael Friedmann (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    Disclosed is a method for determining an overlay error between at least two layers in a multiple layer sample. An imaging optical system is used to measure multiple measured optical signals from multiple periodic targets on the sample, and the targets each have a first structure in a first layer and a second structure in a second layer. There are predefined offsets between the first and second structures A scatterometry overlay technique is used to analyze the measured optical signals of the periodic targets and the predefined offsets of the first and second structures of the periodic targets to thereby determine an overlay error between the first and second structures of the periodic targets. The scatterometry overlay technique is a phase based technique, and the imaging optical system is configured to have an illumination and/or collection numerical aperture (NA) and/or spectral band selected so that a specific diffraction order is collected and measured for the plurality of measured optical signals. In one aspect, the number of periodic targets equals half the number of unknown parameters.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS2017336198
    IPCH01L 23/ 544 A N
    Priority date2/06/17
    StatePublished - 23 Nov 2017


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