Business After Hours: The Entrepreneurial Ventures of Nigerian Working Class Seamen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This article examines the economic and cultural opportunities Nigerian seamen exploited in the context of their work and travels throughout the colonial era, and the impact of decolonization on the ability of seamen to continue to shape and exploit opportunities within the context of seafaring. During the colonial era, Nigerian seamen resisted colonial categorizations of them as a cheap and docile source of labor for British shipping companies, and maneuvered to supplement low wages through smuggling enterprises. The processes of decolonization and the transition to independence created new political and economic circumstances for those engaged in seafaring. These changes were seen in both the official terms of seamen’s employment, and in the derivative cultural and economic advantages of this work, including smuggling.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEntrepreneurship in Africa
Subtitle of host publicationAn Historical Approach
EditorsMoses E. Ochonu
PublisherIndiana University Press
ISBN (Electronic)9780253032621
ISBN (Print)9780253034380, 9780253032607
StatePublished - 2018


  • Unternehmensgeschichte
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Africa
  • New business enterprises
  • Wirtschaftsgeschichte
  • Afrika


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