CD20 over-expression in Hodgkin-reed-sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma: The neglected quest

Daniel Benharroch, Karen Nalbandyan, Irina Lazarev

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations


    We have scrutinized a previously analyzed cohort of classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients for evidence of a CD20 over-expression. This was pursued in order to determine whether all the 24 (12.6%) CD20+++ patients had clinical and/or biological profiles which would warrant a separate consideration and treatment or would carry a different outcome from our 166 CD20 (-) classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients. Except for an older age and a significantly lower expression of non-sialyl-CD15 antigen, both previously described in classical Hodgkin lymphoma, no justification to exclude these CD20+++ patients from the cohort at large is apparent. We suggest that the generally accepted view to the contrary be revised. In addition, we propose alternative interpretations for the low expression of CD20 found in a majority of Hodgkin-Reed-Sternberg cells in classical Hodgkin lymphoma.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1155-1159
    Number of pages5
    JournalJournal of Cancer
    Issue number11
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2015


    • CD15
    • CD20
    • Classical Hodgkin lymphoma
    • Fixation effect
    • Older patients

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Oncology


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