Cellulose binding domain treated purified cotton fibers as textile biosensors

Mandabi Yohai (Inventor), Kost (yossi Kost) Joseph (Inventor), Marks R.s. (Inventor), Wei Qufu (Inventor), Jing Li (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates to the development of textile material based bio-sensors using simple novel fabrication methods, based on the concepts of self assembly techniques, using nano-biomaterials. In this invention, bio-polished purified cotton fibers were used, as the immobilization or tagging platform, because “Cotton” is the main material used in the textile industry. A novel approach of fabricating and immobilizing or tagging of two types of bio-sensors based on, DNA-graphene Sensor, DNA-QuantumDot Sesnsor onto the bio-polished surface of Purified Cotton Fibers is presented. DNA-Graphene Sensor, DNA-QuantumDot Sensor, were first fabricated using self-assembly methods and then immobilization or tagging of the bio-sensors, onto the surface of the bio-polished surface of the purified cotton fiber, was done using dip-coating method. Thus the present invention demonstrated a novel and promising approach to fabricated, CBD treated purified cotton fiber based bio-sensors. Bio-polished purified cotton fiber was used as the immobilization platform or as a substrate, hence paving the way for fabrication of novel textile bio-sensors for future endeavours.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberIES20120145
IPCB82Y 15/ 00 C I
Priority date7/03/12
StatePublished - 26 Mar 2014


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