Characterization of novel polydiacetylene gel dosimeter for radiotherapy

Y. Peleg Walg, M. A. Silveira, N. Eafergan, Y. Krutman, O. Baffa, A. Berman, I. Orion

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Polymer gel dosimeters are instrumental for clinical and research applications in radiotherapy. These dosimeters possess the unique ability to record dose distribution in three dimensions. APolymer gel dosimeter is composed of organic molecules in a gel matrix, which upon irradiation polymerize to form a conjugated polymer with optical absorbance proportional to the irradiated dose. Other required characteristics of a radiotherapy clinical dosimeter are soft-tissue equivalency, linear doseresponse in a range of clinical treatments, and long term stability for the duration of the analysis. The dosimeter presented in this paper is based on diacetylene bearing fatty acid aggregates embedded in a soft-tissue equivalent gel matrix, PhytagelTM, which upon irradiation polymerize to form a blue phase polydiacetylene with a strong optical absorption. Initial characterization showed that PDA-gel irradiated with 160 kV x-ray responded linearly to the irradiated dose, and the calculated diffusion coefficient is 6 . 10-3mm2/Hr what is very low. It was also found that the percentage depth dose (PDD) curve of the PDA-gel in a 4×4 cm2 field, irradiated with 6MVx-rays, was with good agreement with the literature. PDA-gel has the potential to detect absorbed dose in a range of clinical radiological irradiation regimes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number055017
JournalBiomedical Physics and Engineering Express
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2020


  • 3D gel dosimeters
  • Absorption spectroscopy
  • Polydiacetylenes
  • Radiotherapy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Nursing


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