Compact interval spaces in which all closed subsets are homeomorphic to clopen ones, II - To the memory of ernest corominas (1913-1992)

Mohamed Bekkali, Robert Bonnet, Matatyahu Rubin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


A topological space X whose topology is the order topology of some linear ordering on X, is called an interval space. A space in which every closed subspace is homeomorphic to a clopen subspace, is called a CO space and a space is scattered if every non-empty subspace has an isolated point. We regard linear orderings as topological spaces, by equipping them with their order topology. If L and K are linear orderings, then L*, L+K, L · K denote respectively the reverse ordering of L, the ordered sum of L and K and the lexicographic order on L x K (so ω · 2=ω+ω). Ordinals are considered as linear orderings, and cardinals are initial ordinals. For cardinals κ, γl ≥ 0, let L(K,λ)=K+1+λ*. Theorem: Let X be a compact interval scattered space. Then X is a CO space if and only if X is homeomorphic to a space of the form α+1+∑1<nL(Kiλi), where α is any ordinal, n ∈ ω, for every i<n,Kii are regular cardinals and Ki≥λi, and if n>0, then α≥max({Ki:i<n}). By Part I of this work, the hypothesis "scattered" is unnecessary.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-200
Number of pages24
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jun 1992


  • Boolean algebras
  • Compact spaces
  • Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): Primary 06B30, 54E45, 54E12, Secondary 06B05
  • order topology
  • scattered spaces

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Geometry and Topology
  • Computational Theory and Mathematics


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