Corrigendum to ‘Pathway using WUDAPT's Digital Synthetic City tool towards generating urban canopy parameters for multi-scale urban atmospheric modeling’ (Urban Climate (2019) 28, (S2212095519300975), (10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100459))

Jason Ching, Dan Aliaga, Gerald Mills, Valery Masson, Linda See, Marina Neophytou, Ariane Middel, Alexander Baklanov, Chao Ren, Ed Ng, Jimmy Fung, Michael Wong, Yuan Huang, Alberto Martilli, Oscar Brousse, Iain Stewart, Xiaowei Zhang, Aly Shehata, Shiguang Miao, Xuemei WangWeiwen Wang, Yoshiki Yamagata, Denise Duarte, Yuguo Li, Johan Feddema, Benjamin Bechtel, Julia Hidalgo, Yelva Roustan, Young Seob Kim, Helge Simon, Tim Kropp, Michael Bruse, Fredrik Lindberg, Sue Grimmond, Matthias Demuzure, Fei Chen, Chen Li, Jorge Gonzales-Cruz, Bob Bornstein, Qiaodong He, Tzu-Ping, Adel Hanna, Evyatar Erell, Nigel Tapper, R. K. Mall, Dev Niyogi

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

1 Scopus citations


Jason Chinga,⁎ [email protected], Dan Aliagab, Gerald Millsc, Valery Massond, Linda Seee, Marina Neophytouf, Ariane Middelg, Alexander Baklanovh, Chao Reni, Ed Ngj, Jimmy Fungk, Michael Wongk, Yuan Huangl, Alberto Martillim, Oscar Broussen, Iain Stewarto, Xiaowei Zhangp, Aly Shehatap, Shiguang Miaoq, Xuemei Wangr, Weiwen Wangr, Yoshiki Yamagatas, Denise Duartet, Luciana Schwandner Ferreirat, Yuguo Liu, Johan Feddemav, Benjamin Bechtelw, Julia Hidalgox, Yelva Roustany, YoungSeob Kimy, Helge Simonz, Tim Kroppz, Michael Brusez, Fredrik Lindbergaa, Sue Grimmondab, Matthias Demuzureac, Fei Chenad, Chen Liae, Jorge Gonzales-Cruzaf, Bob Bornsteinag, Qiaodong Heah, Tzu-Pingai, Adel Hannaaj, Evyatar Erellak, Nigel Tapperal, R.K. Mallam, Dev Niyogian aInstitute for the EnvironmentUNC at Chapel HillNC, United States bDepartment of Computer SciencesPurdue UW, Lafayette, IN, United States cSchool of GeographyUniversity College of DublinDublin, Ireland dMeteo France, Toulouse, France eIIASA, Laxemburg, Austria fCivil and Environmental Engineering, U of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus gArizona State U, Tempe, AZ, United States hWorld Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland iHong Kong U, Hong Kong jDepartment of Architecture, CUHK, Hong Kong kHong Kong Science and Technology U, Hong Kong lDepartment of Architecture, SW Jiatong U, Chengdu, China mCIEMAT, Madrid, ES, Spain nDept Earth, Environmental Science, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium oUniversity of Toronto, Canada pDepartment of Computer Sciences, Purdue U, W. Lafayette, IN, United States qInstitute of Urban Meteorology, Beijing, China rInstitute Environmental, Climate Research Jinan U, Guangzhou, China sNational Institute for Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan tSchool of Architecture, Urbanism, U of São Paulo, Sao Paolo, Brazil Luciana Schwander, U, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil uDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, HKU, Hong Kong vDepartment of Geography, U of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada wInstitute of Geography, U Hamburg, Hamburg, DE, Germany xToulouse Federal U, Toulouse, France yCEREA, Joint Laboratory Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech Marne, France zJohannes Gutenberg Universitat- Mainz, Mainz, DE, Germany aaDepartment of Earth Sciences, U Gothenberg, Goteborg, Sweden abDept of Meteorology, U Reading, Reading, UK acK U Leuven, Belgium The authors regret missing the following corrections: The affiliation of Dr. Luciana Schwandner Ferreira should read “School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo, Sao Paolo, Brazil and and Dr. Luciana Schwandner Ferreira is the 24th author in the author list. Affiliation for Benjamin Bechtel is “Department of Geography, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany”. The surname of Dr. Matthias Demuzure is “Demuzere”. Affiliation is “Department of Geography, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany”. The authorname “Ed Ng” should be “Edward Ng”. The authorname “Qiaodong He” should be “Xiaodong He” and affiliation is “Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA, Beijing, China.” Affiliation q should be the same as this affiliation. The authorname “Tzu-Ping” should be “Tzu-Ping Lin”. Affiliation for Nigel Tapper should be “School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia”. The authorname “Shen Li” to “Li Shen” and his affiliation is ae “Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China”. The affiliation for Yelva Roustan is “CEREA, Joint Laboratory Ecole des Ponts ParisTech – EDF R&D, Champs-Sur-Marne, France”. The affiliation for Youngsoeb Kim is also “CEREA, Joint Laboratory Ecole des Ponts ParisTech – EDF R&D, Champs-Sur-Marne, France”. Miscellaneous within text changes are as follows: (1) Table A2, Please change in first column “Banaras” to “Varanasi”.(2) Paragraph before acknowledgement, “Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA)” should read “Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA)”.(3) Correction 1. The word “pana;” in the last sentence of first paragraph to be removed.(4) Correction 2. Fig. 1 caption; change “Rpouse” should read “Rouse”.(5) In Section 3.4, second paragraph, 5th line “APP; and sampling” to be removed.(6) Section 4.1, second para, 5th line. The sentence “In particular, the horizontal axis……range divided” to be removed.(7) Section 4.4, second line, “paradigms” should be replaced with “tools”.The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100527
JournalUrban Climate
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
  • Urban Studies
  • Atmospheric Science


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