Cost-utility analysis of a national project to reduce hypertension in Israel

Chaim Yosefy, Gary Ginsberg, Reuven Viskoper, Dror Dicker, Dov Gavish

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Background: This study aims to calculate the health effects and costs of a proposed national hypertension prevention and control program. Methods: Interventions are based on experience from our two programs: 10-year period of Ashkelon Hypertension Detection and Control Program (AHDC Program) and the Israel Blood Pressure Control (IBPC) program. The costs of a nationwide program were calculated based on economic data, training staff levels, course frequency and unit costs. Results: Over the next 20 years, the program should decrease the risk in one-half of the treated hypertensive cases of the following ailments: cardiovascular events such as Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP) by 16.0%, stroke by 41.2%, End stage renal disease (ESRD) by 50.0% and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) by 42.6%. In total, around 2,242 lives, 35,117 years of life or 24,433 disability adjusted life years will be saved due to decreased mortality. Program costs amount to $352.7 million. However savings ($537.6 million), from reduced medical treatment ($444.3 million) and reduced pharmaceutical use ($93.3 million) as a result of morbidity decreases, exceed costs by $185.0 million. Conclusion: The project which saves both lives and resources should be extended nation-wide to reach as wide a population as possible.

Original languageEnglish
Article number16
JournalCost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
StatePublished - 28 Nov 2007

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Health Policy


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