Desert dunes morphology and dynamics, El Arish (northern Sinai)

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The effect of the wind regime on the shape, orientation and advance of sand dunes in the arid region of El Arish was investigated. Detailed wind measurements for one year revealed a biseasonal regime, with the strongest winds blowing in a westerly direction in winter and a domination of the northerly sea breeze in summer. The northern coastal region is influenced mainly by the westerly winter wind regime. Transverse dunes are widespread here. Further south, northern summer winds dominate. Nevertheless, east-west oriented longitudinal dunes are common. Recurrent measurements of three barchans indicated that advancement is mainly during winter storms. Whenever rain accompanies the storm winds, the amount of sand movement is considerably reduced.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-61
Number of pages21
JournalZeitschrift fur Geomorphologie
StatePublished - 1974


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