Development of an oscillation-based technology for the removal of colloidal particles from water: CFD modeling and experiments

Eran Halfi, Alumah Arad, Asher Brenner, David Katoshevski

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations


    Colloidal particles removal from water is a challenge in surface water treatment. Previously, we suggested an original technique for colloidal particles separation from water based on physical flow manipulation by an oscillating device. Laboratory experiments and 2D numerical simulation indicated that this technology enhances colloidal particles grouping and enables their rapid, simultaneous aggregation and sedimentation. The 2D model used in that study was unable to fully elucidate the grouping mechanism, settling pattern, or particle trajectories. Here, we extended the numerical simulation from 2D to 3D and examined the system’s distinctive flow field. The flow field was solved with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in the commercial ANSYS Fluent code and validated by dye injection experiments. The sedimentation patterns could nicely be explained by the computational results. This explanation was strengthened by two-dimensional population balance model simulations, which showed that particles aggregated in two zones trailing the paddle edges. Additionally, the results indicate significantly higher TKE values and faster upward vertical velocities at the higher oscillating frequency, which explains the different sedimentation patterns and removal efficiencies generated by the different oscillation frequencies. The use of 3D numerical simulations will help to better understand and further optimize this novel technology.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)622-641
    Number of pages20
    JournalEngineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2020


    • CFD simulation
    • colloidal particles
    • flocculation
    • grouping
    • oscillation
    • water treatment

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • General Computer Science
    • Modeling and Simulation


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