“Either a Daimon, or a Hero, or Perhaps a God:”: Mythical Residents of Subterranean Chambers

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In his list of seers who uttered gods' orders and messages to mortals not only when alive, but also after their death, Strabo mentions "...Amphiaraos, Trophonios, Orpheus, Musaios, and the god of the Getae, formerly Zalmoxis, a Pythagorean, who is in our time Dekaineos, the diviner of Byrebistas ... ,, Aristides groups together Trophonios, Amphiaraos, Amphilochos and the Asclepiads. Celsus includes Zalmoxis, Mopsos, Amphilochos, Amphiaraos, and Trophonios in his register of mortals who died and were nevertheless worshiped, whieh makes Origen wonder, "whether one of these is either a daimon, or a hero, or perhaps a god, more active than mortals" .
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-288
StatePublished - 2002


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