Electronic and optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots on Si(111) subject to in-plane uniaxial stresses and variable excitation

O. Moshe, D. H. Rich, S. Birner, M. Povolotskyi, B. Damilano, J. Massies

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7 Scopus citations


We have studied the excitation- and polarization-dependent optical properties of GaN/AlN self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) grown on Si(111) substrates. Ensembles of QDs were subject to various external stress configurations that resulted from the thermal expansion coefficient mismatch between the GaN/AlN layers and the Si(111) substrate and ranged from in-plane uniaxial stress, primarily along the 〈 11 2- 0 〉 directions, to in-plane biaxial stress, having magnitudes ranging from 20-30 kbar. Limited regions of uniaxial stress were obtained by exploiting naturally occurring microcracks that form during the postgrowth cooling. These microcracks act as stressors in order to create the highly localized regions of uniaxial stress. The local strain tensors for such QDs, which are subject to an interfacial stress perturbation, have been determined by modeling the dependence of the QD excitonic transition energy on the interfacial stress. Cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements of the excitonic transitions exhibit an in-plane linear polarization anisotropy in close proximity to microcracks. The polarization anisotropy is strongly dependent on the sample temperature and the electron beam excitation conditions used to excite the QD ensemble. Localized CL spectroscopy of the QDs exhibits emissions from both the ground and excited states, whose relative contributions depend on the level of excitation and temperature. Experimental results indicate that the polarization anisotropy vanishes at high temperatures (∼300 K) with an increasing excitation of the QDs, while the anisotropy decreases more slowly with excitation at low temperatures (∼60 K). A theoretical modeling of the effect of carrier filling on the polarization anisotropy and the excitonic transition energy was performed, as based on three-dimensional self-consistent solutions of the Schrödinger and Poisson equations using the 6×6 kp and effective mass methods for calculations of the e-h wave functions and electron and hole quasi-Fermi levels for varying levels of state filling. We attribute carrier filling and a thermal excitation of holes into higher energy QD hole states during excitation to account for the observed gradual decrease in the polarization anisotropy with an increasing electron-hole pair excitation density at T=300 K.

Original languageEnglish
Article number083510
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 15 Oct 2010

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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