G. Garza, O. Kedem

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Electrodialysis in unit cells is described and analyzed in terms of the transport coefficients characterizing the membrane pairs. Bags made of three different types of cation- and anion-exchange membranes were used in actual experiments, namely, thin and thick polyethylene-based and Selemion membranes. Brine concentrations, volume flows, and current efficiencies were determined for different current densities, at a fixed value of the NaCl concentration of the feed. The graphs of brine concentration, c//b, vs. current density level off at high values of i, and c//b approaches a maximum plateau, c//b(max), which depends only on the electroosmotic coefficient of the membrane pair, c//b(max) equals one-half F beta . The smaller the ratio between osmotic and electroosmotic water flows, the smaller the current necessary to reach this plateau.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 1 Jan 1976
EventProc of the Int Symp on Fresh Water from the Sea, 5th, Event of the Eur Fed of Chem Eng, 162nd, Alghero -
Duration: 16 May 197620 May 1976


ConferenceProc of the Int Symp on Fresh Water from the Sea, 5th, Event of the Eur Fed of Chem Eng, 162nd, Alghero

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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