Erratum: Diagnosis of inaccessible infections using infrared microscopy of white blood cells and machine learning algorithms (Analyst (2020) DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00752H)

Adam H. Agbaria, Guy Beck, Itshak Lapidot, Daniel H. Rich, Joseph Kapelushnik, Shaul Mordechai, Ahmad Salman, Mahmoud Huleihel

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors regret the omission of a funding acknowledgement in the original article. This acknowledgement is given below. This research was supported by the ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (grant No. 1087/20). The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7447
Number of pages1
Issue number22
StatePublished - 21 Nov 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Spectroscopy
  • Electrochemistry


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