Evolution of Parallel Cellular Machines: The Cellular Programming Approach

Moshe Sipper (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Collective systems, abounding in nature, have evolved by natural selection to exhibit striking problem-solving capacities. Employing simple yet versatile parallel cellular models, coupled with evolutionary computation techniques, this volume explores the issue of constructing man-made systems that exhibit characteristics like those occuring in nature. Parallel cellular machines hold potential both scientifically, as vehicles for studying phenomena of interest in areas such as complex adaptive systems and artificial life, and practically, enabling the construction of novel systems, endowed with evolutionary, reproductive, regenerative, and learning capabilities. This volume examines the behavior of such machines, the complex computation they exhibit, and the application of artificial evolution to attain such systems.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBerlin
PublisherSpringer Heidelberg
Number of pages202
ISBN (Electronic)9783540683407
ISBN (Print)9783540626138
StatePublished - Mar 1997
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameLecture notes in computer science
ISSN (Print)0302-9743
ISSN (Electronic)1611-3349


  • Genetisches Programmieren
  • Parallele Zellulaermaschinen
  • Racter
  • Zellulaere Automaten
  • Zellulare Programmierung
  • artificial life
  • cellular automata
  • cellular programming
  • evolution
  • Evolution
  • genetic programming
  • learning
  • parallel cellular machines
  • Programming


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