Experiment to test whether we live in a four-dimensional physical space-time

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For quantum systems, whose energy ratios En/E0 are integers, and |E0| is the smallest energy, the time dependent wavefunctions and expectation values of time independent operators have time periodicitiy with a time period T equal to T = h/|E0|, where h is the Planck constant. This periodicity is imposed on the wavefunctions due to undersampling in energy, but following a similarity with aliasing in signal analysis, it may allow to probe future and past events under the condition that our world is in reality a true four-dimensional, "static" space-time. We suggest an experiment to test that possibility. A positive result will indicate that we live in a four-dimensional space-time. A negative result (not getting signals from the future) will indicate that four-dimensional space-time is not physical one and that we live in a three-dimensional space with a time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1445-1452
Number of pages8
JournalFoundations of Physics
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2005


  • Experiment
  • Four-dimensional space-time
  • Physical space

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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