Explicit Utopias: Rewriting the Sexual in Women's Pornography

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Explicit Utopias explores a problem that has long haunted feminist, lesbian, and queer critics: the obstacles to imagining women's desire and sexual agency. Pornography is one arena in which women have actively sought to imaginatively overcome this problem, yet pornography has also been an object of passionate feminist contention. Revisiting the feminist sex wars of the 1980s, Amalia Ziv offers a comprehensive and thoughtful reassessment of the arguments and concerns of both camps, tying these early debates to the contemporary surge of concern over the pornification of culture. She also sets out to rectify the lack of critical attention to marginal sexual representations by examining the feminist, queer, and psychoanalytic literature on several key issues, including fantasy, the phallus, identification, and gender performativity.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSUNY Press
Number of pages312
ISBN (Electronic)9781438457109
ISBN (Print)9781438457086, 9781438457093
StatePublished - Aug 2015


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