Factors that Affect Customers Readiness for Internet-based BI Services

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The banking industry is a strong leader in the use of Internet technologies for revolutionizing customer services. This study explores demographic and financial factors that may affect the use of Internet-Banking (IB) services provided by a large bank. The study analyzed certain IB activities for a large sample of the bank's customers. The analysis highlights some usage characteristics and patterns that have evolved around the more traditional IB services, such as account-status inquiries and fund transfers. However, with a newly-developed Business-Intelligence (BI) application, such patterns have not evolved yet. This can be explained by the different nature of this novel BI application, and by the time required for end-users to assimilate and adopt such an innovative application. The findings can help understanding customers' IB needs, detecting customer-segments that use the IB services differently, and help developing and personalizing advanced IB services, such as the online BI tool.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)30-48
Number of pages19
Journal International Journal of Business Intelligence Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2015


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