Foreland Belt Thermal History Using Apatite Fission-track Thermochronology: Implications for Lewis Thrust and Flathead Fault in the Southern Canadian Cordilleran Petroleum Province

Kirk G. Osadetz, Barry P Kohn, Shimon Feinstein, Raymond A. Price

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Apatite fission-track (AFT) data from rocks above and below Lewis thrust fault lying in the footwall and hanging wall of Flathead normal fault record different thermal-history components, depending on individual structural and stratigraphic positions. Apatite fission-track temperature-history models (THMs) indicate that rapid cooling of the Lewis thrust sheet began at about 75 Ma. This cooling coincided with major displacement on the Lewis thrust. Subsequently, folding of the Lewis thrust sheet by underlying thrust duplex culminations formed the Akamina syncline, and a fossil AFT partial annealing zone was superimposed on the syncline. Apatite fission-track data from east of the Flathead...
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDeformation, Fluid Flow, and Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts
EditorsRudy Swennen, François Roure, James W. Granath
PublisherAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists
ISBN (Electronic)9781629810461
ISBN (Print)0891819002
StatePublished - Jan 2004


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