Fostering Historical Thinking Through Model Annotations (Poster)

Shai Goldfarb, Iris Tabak

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


We examined whether reading annotated texts could bridge the differences between novices and experts. The annotations reflect facets of historians' reading, such as corroboration, sourcing, contextualizing and close reading (Reisman, 2012; Wineburg, 1991, 2001; Wineburg et al., 2014). 102 education majors were randomly assigned to three conditions of training texts (a set of two primary sources): annotated, labeled annotations denoting the historical thinking facet contained in the annotation, and unannotated (control). Participants responded to an essay question and to multiple-choice questions. These questions were graded on a scale of 0-4, based on the scale of grading historical reasoning essays developed by Monte-Sano & De La Paz (2012). A transfer task consisted of the same procedure with all three conditions receiving unannotated texts. Both annotation groups outperformed the control group on the essay, but not the multiple-choice questions. Results suggest that even brief exposure to annotations can foster the take up of historians' reading strategies. (מתוך המאמר‎)
Translated title of the contributionסגולתן של אנוטציות מובנות ללמידת "חשיבה היסטורית" בקרב טירונים
Original languageEnglish
Pages 88E-89E
StatePublished - 2017


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