Frustration from not achieving the expected reduction in maternal mortality

Naomi Schneid-Kofman, Eyal Sheiner

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations


    Background: Maternal mortality ratio (more commonly cited as maternal mortality rate) is the number of maternal deaths that result from the reproductive process per 100,000 live births. Unfortunately, it is estimated that more than half of maternal deaths are not recorded as such. Worldwide data are probably based upon pregnancy-associated or pregnancy-related deaths only. Persistent efforts are made to assess true mortality rates, though these are considered at most educated guesses. Objective: This editorial was aimed to discuss the lately shared opinions regarding global reduction of maternal mortality rates, an unaccomplished goal during the past 20 years. Conclusions: Reassessment of resources and means of intervention will hopefully result in narrowing the gap between nations, and perhaps further reducing global maternal mortality subsequently creating a safer world for mothers.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)283-284
    Number of pages2
    JournalArchives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
    Issue number4
    StatePublished - 1 Apr 2008


    • Maternal mortality
    • Obstetrics
    • Safe motherhood

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Obstetrics and Gynecology


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