Hungarian Jewish Women Survivors Remember the Holocaust: an Anthology of Life Histories

Ilana Rosen (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportAnthologypeer-review


Hungarian Jewish Women Survivors Remember the Holocaust presents seventeen full life histories recorded from female Holocaust survivors from Hungary. These women, born around 1920, mainly come from traditional communities known for their protection of women. In the Holocaust, they were exposed to extreme conditions and the shattering of their previous lives, literally and symbolically. As survivors, they fared hardships trying to rehabilitate their lives. The book depicts the authentic voices of these women as they bear witness to a dark period in history and in their lives.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDallas
PublisherUniversity Press of America
Number of pages128
ISBN (Print)9780761827047, 0761827048
StatePublished - 2004


  • Jewish women in the Holocaust
  • Holocaust survivors
  • Hungary
  • Jüdin
  • Ungarn
  • Judenvernichtung
  • Weibliche Überlebende


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