Impact of three-dimensional hot-spot flow asymmetry on ion-temperature measurements in inertial confinement fusion experiments

K. M. Woo, R. Betti, D. Shvarts, O. M. Mannion, D. Patel, V. N. Goncharov, K. S. Anderson, P. B. Radha, J. P. Knauer, A. Bose, V. Gopalaswamy, A. R. Christopherson, E. M. Campbell, J. Sanz, H. Aluie

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29 Scopus citations


Three-dimensional (3-D) implosion asymmetries lead to significant variations in ion-temperature measurements in inertial confinement fusion experiments. We present an analytical method to generalize the physical properties of velocity variance in the Brysk ion-temperature model. This analysis provides a consistent explanation for the 3-D effects of inferred ion-temperature variations for various single modes and multimodes modeled by the deceleration-phase hydrocode DEC3D and the neutron transport code IRIS3D. The effect of the hot-spot flow asymmetry on variations in ion-temperature measurements is shown to be uniquely determined by a complete set of six hot-spot flow parameters. An approximated solution to the minimum inferred ion temperature is derived and shown to be close to the thermal ion temperature for low mode ℓ = 1, which exhibits the largest anisotropic velocity variance in the single-mode spectrum. The isotropic velocity variance for low mode ℓ = 2 is shown to result in the minimum inferred ion temperatures being well above the thermal ion temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102710
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2018

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics


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