Inclusive gluon production in the QCD Reggeon field theory: Pomeron loops included

Tolga Altinoluk, Alex Kovner, Michael Lublinsky

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7 Scopus citations


We continue the study of hadronic scattering amplitudes at high energy by systematically including nonlinear effects of finite partonic density in hadronic wave function as well as the effects of multiple rescatterings in the scattering process. In this paper we derive expressions for a single inclusive gluon production amplitude and multigluon inclusive production amplitudes when the rapidities of all observed gluons are not very different. We show that at leading order these observables exhibit a semiclassical structure. Beyond the semiclassical result, we find that the gluon emission has some characteristic features different from the JIMWLK and KLWMIJ limits in that the gluons are not emitted independently in rapidity space, but have a correlated component with correlation length (in rapidity space) of order one. We demonstrate the consistency between this feature of the multigluon observables and the Hamiltonian of the QCD Reggeon Field Theory (H RFT) derived in the companion paper [1]. We also show that the evolution of these observables with total rapidity of the process is generated by H RFT of [1]. We discuss whether this evolution is equivalent to evolution with H JIMWLK as far as this set of observables is concerned.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 16 Jul 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • NLO computations
  • QCD

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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