Increased Suicide Risk in Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Linnea Thorlacius, Arnon D. Cohen, Gunnar H. Gislason, Gregor B.E. Jemec, Alexander Egeberg

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    143 Scopus citations


    Patients with skin disorders are considered at a higher risk of depression and anxiety than the background population. Patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) may be particularly affected. We explored the association between HS and depression, anxiety, and completed suicides in the Danish national registries, expanding to include data on suicidal behavior, using both a cross-sectional and a cohort study design. Both designs included 7,732 patients with HS and a background population of 4,354,137. The cohort study revealed that HS patients had an increased risk of completed suicide after adjustment for confounding factors (11 per 7,732 vs. 2,904 per 4,354,137) (hazard ratio [95% confidence interval] = 2.42 [1.07−5.45]; P = 0.0334) and an increased risk of antidepressant drug use (1.30 [1.17−1.45]; P < 0.0001). In contrast to previous studies, the cross-sectional baseline data revealed nonsignificant association with depression (odds ratio [95% confidence interval] = 1.13; 0.87−1.47]; P = 0.36 and hospitalization due to depression (1.32 [0.94−1.85]; P = 0.1083). To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have reported on the increased risk of completed suicide among HS patients. The increased risk of completed suicide is not solely explained by lifestyle and demographic differences and the results highlight the profound impact HS has on the lives of patients with this often devastating disease.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)52-57
    Number of pages6
    JournalJournal of Investigative Dermatology
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2018

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Biochemistry
    • Molecular Biology
    • Dermatology
    • Cell Biology


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