Integrated and Standalone Label and Reagent-Free Microfluidic Devices and Microsystems for Differential White Blood Cell Counts

Hadar Ben-Yoav (Inventor), Thomas E. Winkler (Inventor), Reza Ghodssi (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of establishing a differential white blood cell count includes directing at least one stream of deionized water into a microfluidic device containing a sample of whole blood or a cell-rich fraction to generate a lysate stream of intact white blood cells; directing at least one stream of deionized water into the lysate stream to form a virtual non-conductive aperture in a channel of the device; and performing impedance cytometry of the lysate stream via coplanar electrodes to detect the presence of intact white blood cells. A microfluidic device includes a blood separation section. An analyte sensor detects electrical changes in a cell-free fraction. Lysate from a cell-rich fraction is analyzed to detect circulating tumor cells or white blood cells including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. A method of fabricating and a standalone cell-rich microfluidic device are disclosed for differential white blood cell counts.
Original languageEnglish
Patent number US 2016/0274020 A1
Filing date17/11/14
StatePublished - 22 Sep 2016


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