Longevity network: Construction and implications

Arie Budovsky, Amir Abramovich, Raphael Cohen, Vered Chalifa-Caspi, Vadim Fraifeld

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

81 Scopus citations


The vast majority of studies on longevity have focused on individual genes/proteins, without adequately addressing the possible role of interactions between them. This study is the first attempt towards constructing a "longevity network" via analysis of human protein-protein interactions (PPIs). For this purpose, we (i) compiled a complete list of established longevity genes from different species, including those that most probably affect the longevity in humans, (ii) defined the human orthologs of the longevity genes, and (iii) determined whether the encoded proteins could be organized as a network. The longevity gene-encoded proteins together with their interacting proteins form a continuous network, which fits the criteria for a scale-free network with an extremely high contribution of hubs to the network connectivity. Most of them have never been annotated before in connection with longevity. Remarkably, almost all of the hubs of the "longevity network" were reported to be involved in at least one age-related disease (ARD), with many being involved in several ARDs. This may be one of the ways by which the proteins with multiple interactions affect the longevity. The hubs offer the potential of being primary targets for longevity-promoting interventions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-124
Number of pages8
JournalMechanisms of Ageing and Development
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2007


  • Age-related diseases
  • Longevity genes and proteins
  • Longevity network
  • Protein-protein interactions

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Aging
  • Developmental Biology


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