Mineral balance and quality standards for desalinated water: the Israeli experience

Asher Brenner, Abraham Tenne

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Due to the increasing problems of water shortage across the world, there is a growing trend of producing new water sources by desalination of seawater and brakish water. in desalinated water, the levels of alkalinity and essential ions, such as calcium and magnesium, are very low. Therefore, desalinated water may be associated with inferior taste, and corrosion problems that may result in the release of metals into water distribution pipes. In addition, the total daily dietary intake of such minerals may be reduced in some populations consuming tap water. For these considerations, new quality standards to reduce boron content and to stabilze the desalinated water have been recently enforced by legislation for all desalination plants in Israel. These quality standards actually take into account the dietary need for the nutritional supply of calcium through tap water consumption. This can be obtained mainly through dissolution of calcium carbonate. The need to add to desalinated water other minerals essential for human health. or required to enable efficient wastewater treatment and fulfill agronomic needs, should also be resolved in a sustainable manner.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 4th international conference METEAU
    Place of Publication109
    PublisherIWA Publishing
    ISBN (Print)9781780400358
    StatePublished - 2012


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