Multiple-door access boarding bridge

Michael A Thomas (Inventor), Moshe Schechter (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An aircraft boarding bridge has two arms, one arm for each side of the aircraft. Using the boarding bridge, passengers and crew may embark or debark both sides of the aircraft at the same time, enabling boarding or deplaning in as little as half the time presently used. This multiple-door access boarding bridge may use one or more than one door on each side of the aircraft. The bridge itself may be an apron-drive model, using drive wheels to approach a parked aircraft, or may be a fixed-location model, using vertical lifts to move into position once an aircraft has parked. Access doors in the bridge allow service personnel to approach without interfering with the boarding or deplaning processes.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2002104176
IPCB64F 1/ 305 A I
Priority date7/02/01
StatePublished - 8 Aug 2002


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